2022 Sunday Services

Services at the church have resumed along with Zoom

Join us from 11 a.m. to Noon each week

For Zoom Click here or use the login information below
Zoom ID #: 765-216-352
Password: 030753
You can also join by calling the following number
778 907 2071 (check your phone plan for long distance charges)
and then entering the Zoom ID # and Password above.

April 2022

April 10

Our April 10th service will welcome Marcus Co to share his journey with us. Marcus writes:

                After 50 years (or so) interest and deep meditation self enquiry, my love of existential intelligence has brought about several equipment opening realizations.

                My talk will be from these realizations and extensive time spent around spiritual “super humans”, and deep closeness with others.

Although this intelligence has revealed all 7 mind states that can occur here, only the first 5 have been shared as closeness with others.

                From all of this my awareness has found scientific reflections around how these things occur. As borrowed science and spiritual changed knowings are not self knowing, I will label the source as Grace. Thank you.

February 2022


Since Covid-19 struck Canada in full force, our services have mainly been community circle discussions, often on topics proposed by the moderator, with the very occasional presentation. There have been feelings expressed, both to the Board and in the Board, that more presentations, and a wider variety of service forms might liven up a format our services. So the Board proposes having a service exploring people’s thoughts on this issue, perhaps addressing questions like the following:

  • Are you happy with the community discussion format, or would you like a wider variety of services?
  • If there are to be more services devoted to presentations or panel discussions on topics, what topics would you like to see discussed?
  • Because of the Church’s financial situation, most presentations would be volunteer ones. Is there one or more service topics you would be willing to present on? Any panels that you would be willing to be part of ? Is there anyone you know  outside the Church who might be willing to do a presentation for us?
  • The Church can probably afford one paid speaker a month. Do you have one or more speakers you’d like to see at the Church?
  • Any idea for services that could take place in an alternative format, e.g. focusing on dance , music, movement, sustained meditation, etc?

Please come and bring your ideas to this service, which will be both live and on Zoom, and  which will be moderated by Chris Bullock from his Zoom HQ.  If you are unable to attend the service but would like to contribute, please send your responses and ideas to Esther at cotoffice2017@gmail.com


February 13. Community Service and Presentation.

This service will be a community service, but will also include a presentation by COT member Frances Litman. Frances has been invited to give a Ted Talk in Surrey, entitled “How to Heal the Future, Not Steal the Future,” and congregation members have expressed an interest in hearing this talk. Frances has also expressed an interest in practicing her delivery, and having feedback on this and on the ideas in the talk itself. So come and be energized by Frances’s lively and relevant presentation.