In December:
The High Noon Choir Tuesdays, Noon to 1:30 The High Noon Choir invites all who like to sing in harmony to join us on Tuesdays for lively and joyous sessions of song. Directed by Shivon Robinsong, founder of the Gettin’ Higher Choir, the High Noon Choir provides a place for singers who are looking for a daytime outlet for their voices. Our repertoire is eclectic, including but not limited to world music, spirituals, African freedom songs, various rounds and chants, as well as some contemporary music. You do not need to know how to read music as much of the music is learned by oral tradition. Fall Session – Oct 2 to Dec 18. New singers are always welcome! Info: registration (including fees), contact Gloria Hansen at or 250-995-8731 Oneness Wednesdays – Wednesday, December 5, 12 + 19 at 7 p.m.
Death Cafe on December 5 + 12 with Don Morris and Winter Solstice Celebration with Joy Emmanuel on Dec 19. 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Drop into one or more evenings. Free or by donation.
Details posted to: [ Oneness Wednesdays] or or phone Linda at (250) 380-6383
It’s in your hands, it’s in your life! with Phyllis Campanello, Certified Hand Analyst – Friday, Dec. 7, 7 to 9 PM Hand Analysis goes beyond just the lines of the palms. Hand Analysis is science based and includes the whole hand, interpreting finger and hand size, color, shape, texture, dominance and dexterity, and fingerprint formations. Hands are a holographic representation of you and provides information about your soul’s psychology and your personality psychology. While finger prints are unalterable, hands do change as one moves through life, lines come in and lines go out, finger shapes change, etc., while recording what is pertinent in your life at this moment in time. What’s in your life is actually recorded in your hands! Invite your friends, bring your curiosity and magnifying glasses and delve into the wave energy imprinting in your hands. $5.00 pre-registration (PayPal or snail mail/250-294-0509) $8.00 at the door Doors open at 6:45 PM Paypal:
Information: or 250-294-0509
Book Signing “The Naturally Good Man” by Rod Keays, Saturday, December 8, Noon to 4 p.m. A book signing for a former church member, Rod Keays and his book, The Naturally Good Man will be held in the Sanctuary from 12 to 4 pm. Please come out and celebrate with Rod for his first book in print. Information: Rod Bhakti Night Friday, December 14, 7 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. On the second Friday of each month, Bhakti Night will start at 7:00. Chai will be served and there will be a chance for people to chat and catch up with each other. The kirtan will be from 7:30 till 9:30. There will be an admission fee of at least $5, to cover the rental of the hall. The Bhakti Night kirtan is a celebration of diversity. All spiritual paths are honoured and in singing our hearts open together we find unity in this diversity. If you would like to lead a chant, please let Syama know. We all love the variety of different kirtan leaders. In the process of chanting these different mantras we raise our own vibrations, we raise the vibrations around us, and we even raise the vibrations for miles around. When we tune into the power of these sacred sounds we can feel the effect within ourselves; each mantra has its own mood and its own vibration and the effects on the planet from chanting them is inconceivable, though we can definitely experience a lovely taste of it as we feel ourselves rising above the strains of our daily lives and the struggles within our minds. Information: Syama
In November:
The High Noon Choir Tuesdays, Noon to 1:30 The High Noon Choir invites all who like to sing in harmony to join us on Tuesdays for lively and joyous sessions of song. Directed by Shivon Robinsong, founder of the Gettin’ Higher Choir, the High Noon Choir provides a place for singers who are looking for a daytime outlet for their voices. Our repertoire is eclectic, including but not limited to world music, spirituals, African freedom songs, various rounds and chants, as well as some contemporary music. You do not need to know how to read music as much of the music is learned by oral tradition. Fall Session – Oct 2 to Dec 18. New singers are always welcome! Info: registration (including fees), contact Gloria Hansen at or 250-995-8731 Oneness Wednesdays – Wednesday, November 7, 14, 21 + 28 at 7 p.m.
A series of four Wednesday evenings on the changing role of men at this pivotal moment in human history, presented from the perspectives of the Men’s Group of the Church of Truth from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Drop into one or more evenings. Free or by donation.
Info: [ Oneness Wednesdays ] or phone Linda at (250) 380-6383
Kundalini Yoga with Sat Prakash Kaur – as taught by Yogi Bhajan Every Thursday, 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
This 75 minute class teaches simple yogic tools that include breathing techniques, meditations and postures. Each class focuses on a different theme. Beginners Welcome….What to Bring: Wear cotton clothing and bring water. Yoga Mats and Blankets are not available, so please bring your own. If you are able to bring a cotton blanket that is preferable.
Information / Registration: or 250-891-8300.
Bhakti Night Friday, November 9, 7 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. On the second Friday of each month, Bhakti Night will start at 7:00. Chai will be served and there will be a chance for people to chat and catch up with each other. The kirtan will be from 7:30 till 9:30. There will be an admission fee of at least $5, to cover the rental of the hall. The Bhakti Night kirtan is a celebration of diversity. All spiritual paths are honoured and in singing our hearts open together we find unity in this diversity. If you would like to lead a chant, please let Syama know. We all love the variety of different kirtan leaders. In the process of chanting these different mantras we raise our own vibrations, we raise the vibrations around us, and we even raise the vibrations for miles around. When we tune into the power of these sacred sounds we can feel the effect within ourselves; each mantra has its own mood and its own vibration and the effects on the planet from chanting them is inconceivable, though we can definitely experience a lovely taste of it as we feel ourselves rising above the strains of our daily lives and the struggles within our minds. Information: Syama The Dance Flow with Dancing Wolf – Saturday, November 24, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. A community dance, free form style, on the last Saturday of each month (except where noted). Free form is a fun style of dancing that invites you to express both physically and creatively without instruction or expectation. Join like hearted souls in the Flow. Dancing Wolf brings a spicy mix of world fusion to the dance floor. Come Dance For Your Self. Cost: $10 at the d Info: Info:
In October:
The High Noon Choir Tuesdays, Noon to 1:30 The High Noon Choir invites all who like to sing in harmony to join us on Tuesdays for lively and joyous sessions of song. Directed by Shivon Robinsong, founder of the Gettin’ Higher Choir, the High Noon Choir provides a place for singers who are looking for a daytime outlet for their voices. Our repertoire is eclectic, including but not limited to world music, spirituals, African freedom songs, various rounds and chants, as well as some contemporary music. You do not need to know how to read music as much of the music is learned by oral tradition. Fall Session – Oct 2 to Dec 18. New singers are always welcome! NOTE: New Singers Orientation from 11:30 – 12:00 – Sept 25 only Info: registration (including fees), contact Gloria Hansen at or 250-995-8731 Oneness Wednesdays – Wednesday, October 3, 10, 17, 24 + 31 at 7 p.m.
Circle starts at 7 p.m. Snack luck and get together after our circle. Contact Joyanna at (250) 361-3181 or Master G.K and Master Thai-Siew will return to Victoria – Sunday, Oct. 7th, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Divine Healing Hands Certification Introduction By Love donation. Contact Magdalena for more info: Kundalini Yoga with Sat Prakash Kaur – as taught by Yogi Bhajan Every Thursday, 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
This 75 minute class teaches simple yogic tools that include breathing techniques, meditations and postures. Each class focuses on a different theme. Beginners Welcome….What to Bring: Wear cotton clothing and bring water. Yoga Mats and Blankets are not available, so please bring your own. If you are able to bring a cotton blanket that is preferable.
Information / Registration: or 250-891-8300.
Bhakti Night Friday, October 12, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. – October Bhakti Night Cancelled If you love Bhakti Night (Lovely Vegan East Indian Dinner followed by Call + Response Kirtan) and would like it to continue in some form, please let Syama know. She needs feedback from the Bhakti Community, including suggestions for any changes. She also needs to know how many people are interested in being volunteers and what people feel is a reasonable admission fee/donation. Dinner and kirtan or just kirtan? How important is it to you? Is the fundraising for charity aspect important to you? Are there any other kirtan musicians out there that would like to regularly play with her? She would love to hear from you about all of these things! Information or Feedback : Syama Wisdom Study Group Presents in Co-operation with SEQL and the Theosophical Society: 2012 and Beyond: Evening Talk with International Speaker Kathy Newburn – Friday, October 19, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Our planet is undergoing a spiritual crisis and together we can help shift the balance towards the light. The next 13 year cycle will be momentous in its implications for the future of life on planet Earth. This talk will explore the significance of the year 2012, planetary initiation, the seventh ray, astrological patterns, and what we can do to contribute towards positive change. Suggested donation: $10.00 Information: Ann Harley at or visit The Dance Flow with Dancing Wolf – Saturday, October 27, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. A community dance, free form style, on the last Saturday of each month (except where noted). Free form is a fun style of dancing that invites you to express both physically and creatively without instruction or expectation. Join like hearted souls in the Flow. Dancing Wolf brings a spicy mix of world fusion to the dance floor. Come Dance For Your Self. Cost: $10 at the door. Info:
In September:
Soul Power Group of Victoria / Love Peace Harmony Movement by Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha facilited by Magdalena Blatchford – Monday evenings at 7 p.m. Transformational and healing songs from the source. You will learn simple and powerful techniques that can help you in your healings or rejuvenation journey. Learn to sing beautiful and exquisite songs that can touch your heart and soul and promote healing, regeneration and longevity. By donation. Information: 250-391-0878 or 250-889-9958 (cell) Public Evening with Jeannie Zandi – Thursday, Sept 6, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Jeannie invites and supports the unfolding of Love through surrendering to the Unknown in the lives of those with whom she works. The paradox of being at once human and divine is embraced, celebrated, and explored in service to embodying the Holy within life’s challenges. This work includes discerning the Holy impulse from the pull of conditioning, and allowing what already wants to happen through the being to move freely in the light of Truth. Working through the body as a portal and expression of the Holy is a key feature of her work. $15 to $20. All welcome. Information: or email John at or call 250.900.5745. Public Talk by New Zealand’s Master ACIM Teacher Jaedra Bullock – Friday, Sept 7, 7 p.m. What is “A Course in Miracles” about, and why it is singularly able to bring peaceful relationships and lasting change? Info: Rachael Haisell at (250) 592-4338 Men’s Singing Group Led by Denis Donnelly – Saturday, September 8, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. All levels of experience very welcome! The last men’s workshop was a couple of years ago, and it was great fun, and has led to many requests for a repeat. If you know of any friends, relatives, partners, etc. who might be on the edge of wanting to join the GHC or some other choir, please tell them about this! But it is not for beginners only – there will be lots of songs of different levels that we can all sing in rousing male harmony! Cost is $20. Info: or email Mystic Journey – Saturday, September 8, 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. AN EXPLORATION OF IMPROVISED WORLD MUSIC, MYSTIC POETRY AND DANCE -tickets are available at the door for $15, and $12 for students, seniors and the unwaged. The World Music ensemble, SAFFRON will be providing the musical palette. It features NIEL GOLDEN on TABLA, HANG and Percussion, KEN HALL on the Middle Eastern OUD (lute), NEY (flute) and GUITAR and ENRIQUE RIVAS on GUITAR and TRES. The inspirational poetry of Rumi, Hafiz and others will be interspersed with the music by readers Glen Timms, and Judi Trost, Whirling Dervish, Raqib Burke. Community Retreat – Saturday, September 8th
Our Community is blessed with so many new members which is why we need your input and presence at our late summer retreat.Who are the church members? Anyone who loves our community! Some are registered; some are not. To help deepen our connection to each other, to the natural world around us, and to our spiritual lives, we will meet for a one-day-retreat, Saturday September 8th at the “Yurt” in Saanich at 10 a.m.
The program includes:
• Discussions about the future of our community
• A chance to experience nature with a spiritual focus
• An opportunity to get to know new and long-time members
• Lunch and Dinner being planned
• Campfire after closing for those who can stay
• Carpool and caravan from the church and back
The cost is $25.00.
Bring your smile, thoughts, and sun hat. Leave your T.V., computer and ringing cell phones to enjoy the beauty of nature.
-from the Board: Patti, Esther, Roland, Sanjara, Cynthia, Dancing Wolf, Hanna
Beyond Death and Dying with Dr. Roland Guenther and Sanjara Omoniyi – Monday, September 10, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Knowing more about Death and Dying helps us to live and embrace life more fully and consciously. This evening workshop is meant to provide you with some helpful insights and a deeper understanding about this major transition. If we can see Death as a transition point on the wheel of life, it can become a wise adviser and good friend. Fee: $10-$30 (sliding scale) Information/Registration: Call 778 433 4386, visit: or email Sanjara ( ). Kundalini Yoga with Sat Prakash Kaur – as taught by Yogi Bhajan Every Thursdays starting Sept 13, 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
This 75 minute class teaches simple yogic tools that include breathing techniques, meditations and postures. Each class focuses on a different theme. Beginners Welcome….What to Bring: Wear cotton clothing and bring water. Yoga Mats and Blankets are not available, so please bring your own. If you are able to bring a cotton blanket that is preferable.
Information / Registration: or 250-891-8300.
Bhakti Night Friday, September 14, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. You are invited! Come sing your heart open. Enjoy a simple vegetarian meal from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. , Call + Response Kirtan from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Chai and clean-up time. 2nd Friday of every month. By donation. Information: Gettin Higher Choir – Fall Season Starts Tuesday and Thursday, September 18 & September 20 The Gettin Higher Choir will take in new singers for the first two weeks of the season. The Choir meet from 7:30 to 9:30 each night and there will be New Singer Orientation sessions from 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. on each of the intake nights on Sept 18 + Sept 25 and Sept 20 + Sept 27. Info: Bill Hanson, GHC Registration & Communications, (250) 920-4160 (8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Pacific time) or Oneness Wednesdays – Wednesday, September 19 + 26 , 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
September 19 – Fall Equinox Celebration with Joy Emmanuel and Friends
Please join us for a night of celebrating the planetary shifts of our time! Free or by donation. The High Noon Choir Tuesdays, Noon to 1:30 p.m starting Sept 25 The High Noon Choir invites all who like to sing in harmony to join us on Tuesdays for lively and joyous sessions of song. Directed by Shivon Robinsong, founder of the Gettin’ Higher Choir, the High Noon Choir provides a place for singers who are looking for a daytime outlet for their voices. Our repertoire is eclectic, including but not limited to world music, spirituals, African freedom songs, various rounds and chants, as well as some contemporary music. You do not need to know how to read music as much of the music is learned by oral tradition. Fall Session – Oct 2 to Dec 18. New singers are always welcome! NOTE: New Singers Orientation from 11:30 – 12:00 – Sept 25 only Info: registration (including fees), contact Gloria Hansen at or 250-995-8731
September 26 – The Point of Power is in the Present Moment with John Hutton
While many of us have at least some regrets of the past and/or fears or anxieties of the future, the point of Creativity and Power is always in the Present Moment. In this evening we will explore and work with this powerful insight!!! Free or by donation. Details: [ Oneness Wednesdays in September ] or phone Linda at (250) 380-6383 The Dance Flow with Dancing Wolf – Saturday, September 29, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. A community dance, free form style, on the last Saturday of each month (except where noted). Free form is a fun style of dancing that invites you to express both physically and creatively without instruction or expectation. Join like hearted souls in the Flow. Dancing Wolf brings a spicy mix of world fusion to the dance floor. Come Dance For Your Self. Cost: $10 at the door. Info:
In August:
SUMMER DROP-IN SINGING WITH GLORIA – Tuesdays, August 7, 14, 21 + 28 Bring your friends, family, neighbours -eveyone welcomed . Repertoire to suit everyone. Gloria will be leading along with occasional special guests Note for Gettin Higher Choir + High Noon Choir Members: Please bring your binders with core repertoire – Gloria would like to sing many of the song that are in the core – songs we may not have sung for a while but that are familiar and great to revisit. Come and sing and have fun. We’ll make beautiful harmonies together in the singing circle. P.S. If you have any requests – send them along to Gloria and She’ll include them if possible. Information: or gloria@ How Loving Yourself Transforms Your Life and Changes the World with Sanjara – Friday, August 24 – 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m We live in challenging times. The web of life is all on edge and finding peace within seems a tough task. Our energies easily get stuck in limiting patterns of self-doubt and self-criticism. We tend to take care of everybody around us and everything on our to-do lists, yet there is an empty and lonely feeling in us that does not vanish. We may wish to have a fulfilling love relationship in our life but yet forget about the most important love relationship that is waiting to be nourished. Discover in this evening workshop why loving yourself is the most beneficial thing you can do for yourself, the people nearest and dearest to you and the communities you belong to. Fee $10-30 (sliding scale) Information/Registration: Call 778 433 4386, visit: or email Sanjara ( ).
In July:
The Medicine Wheel – An Evening with Dr. Roland Guenther – Monday, July 16 at 6:30 p.m. You will be introduced to an indigenous world view and provided with a basic understanding of the Medicine Wheel. Moreover, you will be inspired to use this knowledge to create a sacred and ceremonial space in your own life. Medicine Wheels were used to express the different levels of interconnectedness that build the web of life in which we live. Connecting with these teachings is a way of honouring those that lived on this land before us, honouring the land we live on and honouring nature that supports us. Beyond time and space you will touch the cosmology of the Mayan people where according to the oral tradition of Roland’s teachers the Medicine Wheel originated. Fee: $10 to $30 (sliding scale). Registration / Information: Call (778 433 4386), visit: or email Roland (
In June:
The Expanding Global Harmonic Co-Creative Consciousness – Saturday, June 2, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Let’s create an inspired, intentional space where aspects of awakening will co-manifest. Lets have some fun building trust, take to the streets for some good old smile collecting. Lets explore vibration, music and sound. Lets learn about sacred, connected living. Bring clothing for outside, yoga mat, musical instrument and a lunch. By Donation. Info: 250-721-1419 or The High Noon Choir Tuesdays, Noon to 1:30 p.m. (Till June 14) The High Noon Choir invites all who like to sing in harmony to join us on Tuesdays for lively and joyous sessions of song. Directed by Shivon Robinsong, founder of the Gettin’ Higher Choir, the High Noon Choir provides a place for singers who are looking for a daytime outlet for their voices. Our repertoire is eclectic, including but not limited to world music, spirituals, African freedom songs, various rounds and chants, as well as some contemporary music. You do not need to know how to read music as much of the music is learned by oral tradition. Spring Session started Tuesday, March 27 at Noon. New singers are always welcome! Info: registration (including fees), contact Gloria Hansen at or 250-995-8731 Oneness Wednesdays – Wednesday, June 6, 13 20 + 27 , 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Theme: Spiritual Potpourri Wednesday, June 6, 13, 20 + 27 , 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Before we take a break for the Summer, join us this month for varied program (Variety is the spice of life): June 6 – Quantum Healing with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) – Achieving Personal and Planetary Peace with Cedona Holly
June 13 – Poetry Evening with D. Joan Thomas June 20 – Summer Solstice Celebration: Dancing in the Fire of Creativity, Chaos and Co-creation with Joy Emmanuel June 27 – Music Night with Brian Martin Everyone Welcome to drop-in to one or more evenings. Free or by donation.Details: [ Oneness Wednesdays in June ] or phone Linda at (250) 380-6383 Bhakti Night Friday, June 8, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. You are invited! Come sing your heart open. Enjoy a simple vegetarian meal from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. , Call + Response Kirtan from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Chai and clean-up time. 2nd Friday of every month. By donation. Information: Free Introductory Talk on the Ishayas’ Ascension – Thursday, June 14 , 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Deep inside every one of us is an Infinite place where all answers are held. We, in our ignorance, have moved outward to try to find them and have often felt lost when looking to others to give us hope. Now, we can turn back towards that place inside us and find that which we seek. All that is needed is a tool to take us there. Ishayas’ Ascension is a tool that takes the mind inward to the Source of all thought. From this place we can experience more love, joy, creativity and peace in our lives. Info: 1-888-474-2921 Or visit Sacred Hula Introductory Presentation, Friday, June 15, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sacred Hula Danceshop, Saturday, June 16, 1;30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sacred Hula Danceshop, Sunday, June 17, 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. You are invited to be a recipient of the grace and spirit of sacred hula. This is a beautiful indigenous cultural exchange from the sacred island of Kaua’i. Introductory Presentation, $20/$15 (Students and seniors); Each Danceshop, $45 / $35 Info/To Register: Jenica at and at the door Global Mothering: An Introduction and Gathering. Tuesday, June 19, 6 p.m. Registration, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Calling all women in a world that is radically changing; now is the time more than ever to find balance in our very masculine oriented world of doing to reclaim balance in the power of our emerging feminine ways to be here now! This a two hour early evening dinner break of fun, sharing and enlightenment. Experience for yourself an intimate personal connection with the Earth Mother Dendreah as we travel into the healing Nature of our inner worlds. We shall share our stories of leadership,find a common vision for our new world, sew new seeds to flourish this year personally and in business, and experience a beautiful guided meditation visualization. Exchange: $20 to pre-register. $25 at the door,including finger food, tea/coffee; 10% of net proceeds donated to Information and to Register: Miriam at 250-474-4176 Solstice Sacred Hula Celebration, Thursday, June 21, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. You are invited to be a recipient of the grace and spirit of sacred hula. This is a beautiful indigenous cultural exchange from the sacred island of Kaua’i. Cost: $20/$15 students & seniors Info/To Register: Jenica at and at the door The Awakening – The Soul of Humanity Emerges Through World Crisis – Evening Talk with international speaker William Meader – Tuesday, June 26, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Humanity is on the verge of unprecedented crisis and change. In every country, people are fearful as they witness our economic and social institutions fail. Yet it must be realized that world crisis does not foretell the end. Instead, it is the antechamber to a new beginning. For the first time in history, the Soul of Humanity is awakening and beginning to influence human affairs. In this talk, William Meader will present the esoteric perspective on this remarkable period in human history. He will emphasize that crisis is a prelude to all expansions of consciousness, and that this is true whether we consider an individual, a nation or humanity as a whole. Suggested Donation: $10 Info: Ann Harley at (778) 440-3025 or or visit http://www.meader .org The Dance Flow with Dancing Wolf – (Event that was previously scheduled in June is Cancelled) – postponed till Sept 29 Info:
In May:
The High Noon Choir Tuesdays, Noon to 1:30 p.m. The High Noon Choir invites all who like to sing in harmony to join us on Tuesdays for lively and joyous sessions of song. Directed by Shivon Robinsong, founder of the Gettin’ Higher Choir, the High Noon Choir provides a place for singers who are looking for a daytime outlet for their voices. Our repertoire is eclectic, including but not limited to world music, spirituals, African freedom songs, various rounds and chants, as well as some contemporary music. You do not need to know how to read music as much of the music is learned by oral tradition. Spring Session started Tuesday, March 27 at Noon. New singers are always welcome! Info: registration (including fees), contact Gloria Hansen at or 250-995-8731 Oneness Wednesdays – Wednesday, May 2, 9, 16, 23 + 30 , 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. This series will be an exploration of Brian Swimme’s work using the following DVD presentations: Journey of the Universe, The Earth’s Imagination and the Power of the Universe. May 2: Journey of the Universe Film Viewing with post film discussion facilitated by Gertie Jocksch May 9: Journey of the Universe, Education Series (a) The Passion of Animals + (b) Indigenous Ways of Knowing – DVD Showing + Discussion facilitated by Gertie Jocksch May 16: Earth’s Imagination – DVD Showing + Discussion facilitated by Bill Wilson May 23: Power of the Universe : The Power of Allurement- DVD Showing + Discusssion facilitated by Gertie Jocksch May 30: Power of the Universe: The Power of Emergence – DVD Showing + Discussion facilitated by Gertie Jocksch Everyone Welcome to drop-in to one or more evenings. Free or by donation. Details: [ Oneness Wednesdays in May ] or phone Linda at (250) 380-6383 Crystal Journey in Victoria with David Hickey – Friday and Saturday, May 4 and May 5 7:30 pm Great space, limited seating buy your tickets early at Full Circle Studio Arts, 1800 Store Street (250) 920-4037 Tickets also at the door. What You Can Expect: The shows will take place in two 40 to 50 minute sets. David’s usual set up includes 15 Quartz Crystal Bowls, 8-10 Paiste Planet Gongs, Santoor and Vibraphone. Nothing is amplified, pre-recorded or rehearsed. Each set and performance is sonically pure and unique. 7:30 pm; Doors open at 6:30pm; Cost $20 per person. Information: Follow your Joy and Deepen your Love, Mondays, April 23 to June 25, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. A 10-week course to foster your personal transformation in the midst of global challenge and change with Roland and Sanjara. In this course, topics explored * The revolutionary power of Self-Love * Your darkness is your divinity *Balancing the feminine and masculine * What you can feel you can heal * The Work that Reconnects by Joanna Macy * The gifts of imperfection – Beyond shame and blame . By donation.
Information: Bhakti Night Friday, May 11, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. You are invited! Come sing your heart open. Enjoy a simple vegetarian meal from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. , Call + Response Kirtan from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Chai and clean-up time. 2nd Friday of every month. By donation. Information: Meditation, Insight and Transformation with Dr. Hillary Rodrigues – Friday, May 18 at 7:30 p.m. This public presentation, by donation, is part of a May 19-20 Weekend Retreat at Swanwick Centre on Buddhism and Transformation. The talk will discuss various notions of meditation, and their relationship to the attainment of pivotal transformative insight in the teachings of J. Krishnamurti. Info / Registration / Contact: or 250-744-3354 or Church of Truth Talent Show 2012 , May 19 at 7 p.m. The show will honor monologues, song, playing a musical instrument, dance, readings, poetry, magic or other skills. Everyone welcome. By donation (Suggested $10). All monies go to the Church fund. Info: Bob Winkenhower at 250-388-9465 The Dance Flow with Dancing Wolf – Saturday, May 26, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. A community dance, free form style, on the last Saturday of each month (except where noted). Free form is a fun style of dancing that invites you to express both physically and creatively without instruction or expectation. Join like hearted souls in the Flow. Dancing Wolf brings a spicy mix of world fusion to the dance floor. Come Dance For Your Self. Cost: $10 at the door. Info:
In April:
The High Noon Choir Tuesdays, Noon to 1:30 p.m. The High Noon Choir invites all who like to sing in harmony to join us on Tuesdays for lively and joyous sessions of song. Directed by Shivon Robinsong, founder of the Gettin’ Higher Choir, the High Noon Choir provides a place for singers who are looking for a daytime outlet for their voices. Our repertoire is eclectic, including but not limited to world music, spirituals, African freedom songs, various rounds and chants, as well as some contemporary music. You do not need to know how to read music as much of the music is learned by oral tradition. Spring Session started Tuesday, March 27 at Noon. New singers are always welcome! Info: registration (including fees), contact Gloria Hansen at or 250-995-8731 Oneness Wednesdays – Wednesday, April 4, 11, 18 + 25 , 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Nonviolent Communication: A Language for Shifting a World into Peace Please join us to explore how the basic tools of NVC may become your skills for life that support a healthy planet one relationship at a time. April 4: Relationships – Facilitated by Judy Morin April 11: Moving Beyond Right and Wrong – Facilitated by Laurel Collins April 18: Activism for Social Change – Facilitated by Renee Lindstrom April 25: Resolving Conflict – Facilitated by Michele Favarge At each of these evenings, there will be facilitation support by members of the Nonviolent Communication Community and an opportunity for role playing Everyone Welcome to drop-in to one or more evenings. Free or by donation.Details: [ Oneness Wednesdays in April ] or phone Linda at (250) 380-6383 Music Night, Friday April 6, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mark your calendars folks. Friday April 6th (Good Friday) will be the first of perhaps many Music nights to be held at the Church. Everyone is invited to come on down and singalong, strumalong, humalong or just plain jamalong with whatever tune emerges from our collective musings. All instruments are welcome as are dancers, clappers, stompers and interested listeners. Bring a favourite tune to share in whatever style moves you’re groove. It’s all about having fun with the music. We’ll tune up and start at 7:00 pm and play till the cows come home (which is about 9pm for most of us!) Some small percussion instruments will be available. We prefer to stay acoustic. Info: Brian Martin 778-430-1872 Write Yourself Home with June Swadron – Saturday, April 7, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Writing has the power to stop time, cut through the extraneous and take us home to our heart. This absolutely fun experience will engage the writer within and may surprise you by eliciting prose, poetry, song lyrics or simply stream of consciousness writing in “no apparent form”. You will learn the fundamentals of moving past the head and into the heart of writing. Regular Price: $125; Early Bird Special: $95 until April 2nd. Information / Registration: or June Swadron at (250) 385-2205 The Dance Flow with Dancing Wolf – Sunday, April 8, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. A community dance, free form style, on the last Saturday of each month (except where noted). Free form is a fun style of dancing that invites you to express both physically and creatively without instruction or expectation. Join like hearted souls in the Flow. Dancing Wolf brings a spicy mix of world fusion to the dance floor. Come Dance For Your Self. Cost: $10 at the door. Info: Homeopathy for the Spiritual Seeker with Dr. Roland Guenther, Homeopath, MD (Germany), PhD – Monday, April 9 – 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Please come for a delightfully informative evening discovering the potential healing of homeopathy. Are you meditating, doing spiritual practices, reading books, attending seminars, and still the challenges you may be dealing with do not change? If this sounds familiar then this evening with Dr. Roland Guenther is for you. Roland will introduce to you how the vibrational essences of nature as condensed in homeopathic remedies can dissolve those barriers within, allowing you to walk the path of spirit in a joyfully relaxed way. By Donation. Information: or Roland at 778-433-4386 Bhakti Night Friday, April 13, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. You are invited! Come sing your heart open. Enjoy a simple vegetarian meal from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. , Call + Response Kirtan from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Chai and clean-up time. 2nd Friday of every month. By donation. Information: Sound Healing & Energy Medicine with Yves Vial, Saturday April 14th, 10:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. The healing power of sounds; Laughter Meditation; Energy Medicine in everyday life; Balancing your chakras with the voice; Resonating human voice for creating health; How to reprogram emotion. Cost: $90.00 per person – $160.00 for two For more information and to reserve your space: 250 595 0083 or Dancing With The Elements, Friday, April 20, 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. A Journey Through the Chakras with the tools of yoga, Kundalini Dance, elemental flow and play! Exchange: $25 What to bring: yoga mat, water, blanket, willingness to let go through free flow dance Information: Christy Lindell at Awakening Our Evolutionary Eyes – A Spring Eco-Spiritual Retreat – Saturday, April 21 – 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This retreat facilitated by Joy Emmanuel will focus on awakening our evolutionary eyes to a new worldview of our place in this unfolding universe and what – on a soul level – we are called to contribute to this shift. Cost: Sliding Scale: $40 and up. Info and to Register: Joy at (250) 896-3578 or Crop Circle Mysteries – Saturday, April 21, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. A majestic Power Point Presentation & Seminar with Joseph-Mark Cohen, kabbalistic astrologer, founder of the Tree-of-Life Mystery School & tour guide to planetary sacred sites. You will be mesmerized & delighted with the 86 master Crop Circles that Joseph-Mark will illuminate drawn from his Crop Circle Oracle Deck. Fee: $36 Information/Registration: or 1-888-633-2214 Follow your Joy and Deepen your Love, Mondays, April 23 to June 25, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. A 10-week course to foster your personal transformation in the midst of global challenge and change with Roland and Sanjara. In this course, topics explored * The revolutionary power of Self-Love * Your darkness is your divinity *Balancing the feminine and masculine * What you can feel you can heal * The Work that Reconnects by Joanna Macy * The gifts of imperfection – Beyond shame and blame . By donation.
Information: Inspired Wellness Holistic Fair – Saturday, April 28, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Inspiration for your life’s journey! Meet reliable, gifted holistic and metaphysical professionals from your local community. Psychic readings, massage, energy healing and holistic services will be available through out the day. Admission is $5. Info: The Dance Flow with Dancing Wolf – Saturday, April 28, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. A community dance, free form style, on the last Saturday of each month (except where noted). Free form is a fun style of dancing that invites you to express both physically and creatively without instruction or expectation. Join like hearted souls in the Flow. Dancing Wolf brings a spicy mix of world fusion to the dance floor. Come Dance For Your Self. Cost: $10 at the door. Info:
In March:
Courting the Beloved – A playshop on live and relating!, Friday, March 2, 7 p.m. to Sunday, March 4, 6 p.m. This weekend experiential workshop will pathwork the foundations for embodied relating with love, respect, passion, reverence and healthy communication with self and the beloved. Facilitated by Jim Kragtwyk and Rachelle Lamb. Open to individuals and couples, this workshop is for those wanting to open the door to deeper experiences of relating and intimacy while dissolving the patterns and beliefs that block us. Fee: $350.00 Information/Registration: or Jim Kragtwyk at 250-896-6683
The High Noon Choir Tuesdays, Noon to 1:30 p.m. The High Noon Choir invites all who like to sing in harmony to join us on Tuesdays for lively and joyous sessions of song. Directed by Shivon Robinsong, founder of the Gettin’ Higher Choir, the High Noon Choir provides a place for singers who are looking for a daytime outlet for their voices. Our repertoire is eclectic, including but not limited to world music, spirituals, African freedom songs, various rounds and chants, as well as some contemporary music. You do not need to know how to read music as much of the music is learned by oral tradition. Spring Session starts Tuesday, March 27 at Noon. New singers are always welcome! Info: registration (including fees), contact Gloria Hansen at or 250-995-8731 Oneness Wednesdays – Wednesday, March 7, 14, 21 + 28 , 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. March 7 + 14 – The Meaning of Current World Events and How We Can Express Our Role – Facilitated by Blair Little of SEQL March 21 – Spring Equinox Celebration – Coordinated by Joy Emmanuel March 28 – Balancing Our Human Ecology with the Aid of Our Ancestors. Details: Currently TBA Everyone Welcome to drop-in to one or more evenings. Free or by donation.Details: [ Oneness Wednesdays in March ] or phone Linda at (250) 380-6383 Wild Goose Qigong classes and Chun Yuen Quan classes ~ ongoing classes taught by Lee Masters, every Thursday, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. (Chun Yuen Quan) 11 a.m. to 12 Noon (Wild Goose Qigong) Wild Goose Qigong is gentle movement developed 1800 years ago by Daoist monks and passed down through a lineage to train our internal energy and develop deeper health. Thursdays 11am~12noon Chun Yuen Quan is Chinese martial arts movement that was passed down through the Beijing Opera which we now practise for strong bones, more energy, good circulation and health. Thursdays 10~11am. $16 for one class, $25 for both classes on one day and reductions available for elders and students. Start anytime. All welcome. Info: or Lee Masters at 1-250-748-4060 (Duncan) or Bhakti Night Friday, March 9, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. You are invited! Come sing your heart open. Enjoy a simple vegetarian meal from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. , Call + Response Kirtan from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Chai and clean-up time. 2nd Friday of every month. By donation. Information: Expressions of Meditation with Galilee, Sunday, March 11,7:00 – 8:30 p.m. This meditation is a magical inward journey giving you the opportunity to experience the soul’s presence directing your movement of your life. Powerful and providing access to wisdom, healing and personal transformation. Please bring yoga mat and blanket. Cost $20.00 Information: Experiencing Meaning on the Edge of Profound Uncertainty, Saturday, March 17, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. We live in a time of profound uncertainty and its atmosphere permeates the collective air we breathe. Are we unique in this challenge, and can we experience meaning as we navigate these troubled waters? Drawing on her book, The Mythic Body, Jamie Rosanna Dorig offers tools that can help us face this difficult time and alleviate the stress and anxiety it inflicts on our body/mind. Tickets: $15 General Admission; $10 Students & Seniors ($60+) ; $25 Couples (2 friends/spouses/etc.) – On-line or at the door Information: and Jamie Rosanna Dorig – 250 370-5124 Inspired Wellness Holistic Fair – Saturday, March 24, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Inspiration for your life’s journey! Meet reliable, gifted holistic and metaphysical professionals from your local community. Psychic readings, massage, energy healing and holistic services will be available through out the day. Admission is $5. Info: The Dance Flow with Dancing Wolf – Saturday, March 31, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. A community dance, free form style, on the last Saturday of each month (except where noted). Free form is a fun style of dancing that invites you to express both physically and creatively without instruction or expectation. Join like hearted souls in the Flow. Dancing Wolf brings a spicy mix of world fusion to the dance floor. Come Dance For Your Self. Cost: $10 at the door. Info:
In February:
Living Music: Learning Life Skills Through Music with Brian Martin – Wednesday, February 1, 8, 15,22 + 29 , 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Why does music affect us so deeply? How can we be more musical in our thoughts, words and actions? How can we develop greater coordination, flexibility and emotional expressiveness in our lives? What does it take to be co-creative and authentic in group situations? Through these topics and more we will explore the Art of Living Music. Using simple and fun interactive exercises, meditation and discussion we will discover how to embody the musical principles of Rhythm, Melody, Harmony and Tone and access the wisdom of our whole self. No prior musical experience is necessary so please come and enjoy Living Music with a symphony of friends. Everyone Welcome to drop-in to one or more evenings. Free or by donation.Details: [ Oneness Wednesdays in February ] or phone Linda at (250) 380-6383 Wild Goose Qigong classes and Chun Yuen Quan classes ~ ongoing classes taught by Lee Masters, every Thursday, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. (Chun Yuen Quan) 11 a.m. to 12 Noon (Wild Goose Qigong) Wild Goose Qigong is gentle movement developed 1800 years ago by Daoist monks and passed down through a lineage to train our internal energy and develop deeper health. Thursdays 11am~12noon Chun Yuen Quan is Chinese martial arts movement that was passed down through the Beijing Opera which we now practise for strong bones, more energy, good circulation and health. Thursdays 10~11am. $16 for one class, $25 for both classes on one day and reductions available for elders and students. Start anytime. All welcome. Info: or Lee Masters at 1-250-748-4060 (Duncan) or A Evening of Embracing our Oneness with Spirit, Saturday, February 4, 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. An evening of embracing our Oneness with Spirit & its healing qualities through out-breathing. We will work with the idea of death and rebirth; specifically the experience of it where our out-breath meets our in-breath for it is at that point we can consciously bring ourselves back to unity, love; back to Oneness with Spirit. In the second part of the program we will send light and loving energies to our living relations across the Threshold who live within and through us. Facilitated by Laurence Beal and Don Morris. The program was inspired by the life and death of Seann Daniel Tanner who wanted to help in the growth of spiritual awareness in the community. His family will be attending. There will be sacred dancing, breath-work, musicians, meditation, lecture and ritual. A pot-luck supper begins at 6:30pm. A $5.00 donation for church rental is requested. Betsy Nuse will be leading the sacred dancing and a small ensemble from the Getting Higher Choir may be joining us. Information: Laurence Beal at 250-721-1973 The High Noon Choir Tuesdays, Noon to 1:30 p.m. The High Noon Choir invites all who like to sing in harmony to join us on Tuesdays for lively and joyous sessions of song. Directed by Shivon Robinsong, founder of the Gettin’ Higher Choir, the High Noon Choir provides a place for singers who are looking for a daytime outlet for their voices. Our repertoire is eclectic, including but not limited to world music, spirituals, African freedom songs, various rounds and chants, as well as some contemporary music. You do not need to know how to read music as much of the music is learned by oral tradition. Winter Session started Tuesday, January 3 at Noon. New singers are always welcome! Info: registration (including fees), contact Gloria Hansen at or 250-995-8731 Bhakti Night Friday, February 10, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. You are invited! Come sing your heart open. Enjoy a simple vegetarian meal from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. , Call + Response Kirtan from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Chai and clean-up time. 2nd Friday of every month. By donation. Information: Holotropic Breathwork Workshop with Renn Butler, Saturday, February 11, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Holotrophic Breathwork is a technique of self-exploration that utilizes the healing power of deep breathing, evocative music, focused bodywork and mandala drawing to enter holotrophic “moving toward wholeness” states of consciousness. These sessions are valuable for people seeking relief from physical tension or emotional pain, an opening of creative channels, or a deepened connection with their inner Divine. Cost: $115 sliding scale available (a light vegetarian lunch will be provided). * Sessions are free for postpartum mothers. Midwives, doulas and new fathers are also very welcome* Info: Call 250-384-8291 or email Valentine’s Passion Ball – Saturday, February 11, Starting at 8:30 p.m. Red would be a simple theme for the evening. The Passion Ball started in the late Nineties and grew out of Dancing Wolf wanting to have Valentine dances that were not just oriented towards couples but included anyone that wanted to simply celebrate Passion, be it romantic, creative and/or spiritual. Dancing Wolf is looking for volunteers on both sides of the fun. $10 at the door. Info: Gettin Higher Choir – Spring Season Starts Tuesday and Thursday, February 14 & February 16 The Gettin Higher Choir will take in new singers for the first two weeks of the season. The Choir meet from 7:30 to 9:30 each night and there will be New Singer Orientation sessions from 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. on each of the intake nights on Feb 14 + Feb 21 and Feb 16 + Feb 28. Info: Bill Hanson, GHC Registration & Communications, (250) 920-4160 (8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Pacific time) or Write Yourself Home – A Fun & Profound One-Day Writing Retreat – Saturday, February 18, 9:30 to 5 p.m. Do you think you can’t write? Well, you can! Do you think your negative beliefs and attitudes toward writing can’t change in a few hours? Yes, they can! Do you think life affirming transformation can’t happen in a day? Yes, it can! Come, let June Swadron show you how to come home to your heart through the joy of writing. Cost: Regular price: $125 / Early Bird Special $95 till February 13. Info & Registration: and 250-385-2205 Inspired Wellness Holistic Fair – Saturday, February 25, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Inspiration for your life’s journey! Meet reliable, gifted holistic and metaphysical professionals from your local community. Psychic readings, massage, energy healing and holistic services will be available through out the day. Admission is $5. Info: The Dance Flow with Dancing Wolf – Saturday, February 25, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. A community dance, free form style, on the last Saturday of each month (except where noted). Free form is a fun style of dancing that invites you to express both physically and creatively without instruction or expectation. Join like hearted souls in the Flow. Dancing Wolf brings a spicy mix of world fusion to the dance floor. Come Dance For Your Self. Cost: $10 at the door. Info:
In January:
The High Noon Choir Tuesdays, (New Session Starting January 3) , Noon to 1:30 p.m. The High Noon Choir invites all who like to sing in harmony to join us on Tuesdays for lively and joyous sessions of song. Directed by Shivon Robinsong, founder of the Gettin’ Higher Choir, the High Noon Choir provides a place for singers who are looking for a daytime outlet for their voices. Our repertoire is eclectic, including but not limited to world music, spirituals, African freedom songs, various rounds and chants, as well as some contemporary music. You do not need to know how to read music as much of the music is learned by oral tradition. Winter Session starts Tuesday, January 3 at Noon. Orientation for new singers at 11:30 a.m. New singers are always welcome! Info: registration (including fees), contact Gloria Hansen at or 250-995-8731 Wild Goose Qigong classes and Chun Yuen Quan classes ~ ongoing classes taught by Lee Masters, every Thursday, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. (Chun Yuen Quan) 11 a.m. to 12 Noon (Wild Goose Qigong) Wild Goose Qigong is gentle movement developed 1800 years ago by Daoist monks and passed down through a lineage to train our internal energy and develop deeper health. Thursdays 11am~12noon Chun Yuen Quan is Chinese martial arts movement that was passed down through the Beijing Opera which we now practise for strong bones, more energy, good circulation and health. Thursdays 10~11am. $16 for one class, $25 for both classes on one day and reductions available for elders and students. Start anytime. All welcome. Info: or Lee Masters at 1-250-748-4060 (Duncan) or Follow Your Joy with Roland Guenther and Sanjara Omoniyi – Wednesday, January 11, 18, + 25 , 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. How can we make joy the leading energy in our life? How can we increase our ability to enjoy life? How can we increase our ability to create joy? We will find out about the hidden subconscious programs which limit our joy, which inhibit us to live our one life freely and wildly. And we will nurture our connection to our own essence, which is joy, so this joy can flow from the core of our Divine soul into our daily life. Everyone Welcome to drop-in to one or more evenings. Free or by donation. Details: [ Oneness Wednesdays in January] or Linda at (250) 380-6383 Info: or Linda at (250) 380-6383 Bhakti Night Friday, January 13, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. You are invited! Come sing your heart open. Enjoy a simple vegetarian meal from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. , Call + Response Kirtan from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Chai and clean-up time. 2nd Friday of every month. By donation. Information: World Class Pianist Shoko Inoue Performs Beethoven’s Tempest & Pathetique Sonata with selections from Bach and Shubert, Thursday, January 19, 7 p.m. Benefit Concert for Bach with Nature – Starting in May 2011, Shoko Inoue and Ryan May’s tour will cross Canada planting fruit tree gardens and playing classical music; They will be bringing classical music and ecological solutions to the people and places that need them most. Tickets: $25 at Ivy’s Bookstore, 2188 Oak Bay Avenue and at the door. All proceeds go to the Project. There will also be a concert on Sunday, January 29th at 7 p.m. Join us in this inspirational celebration! Information: Women Weaving the World – Co-creating the Web of Change with Joy Emmanuel & Ann Rosemary Conway, Saturday, January 21, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. What does it mean to move in the direction of greater integrity and integration? In this retreat we will weave together the teachings of the goddesses with the evolutionary teachings of deep ecologist Joanna Macy and futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard. The day will be a blend of reflective writing, meditation, gentle movement, song and sharing. Sliding scale: $60.00 and up Information and to register: Joy at Details of this workshop also posted to: The Dance Flow with Dancing Wolf – Saturday, January 21, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. A community dance, free form style, on the last Saturday of each month (except where noted). Free form is a fun style of dancing that invites you to express both physically and creatively without instruction or expectation. Join like hearted souls in the Flow. Dancing Wolf brings a spicy mix of world fusion to the dance floor. Come Dance For Your Self. Cost: $10 at the door. Info: . World Class Pianist Shoko Inoue Performs Beethoven’s Tempest & Pathetique Sonata with selections from Bach and Shubert, Sunday, January 29, 7 p.m. Benefit Concert for Bach with Nature – Starting in May 2011, Shoko Inoue and Ryan May’s tour will cross Canada planting fruit tree gardens and playing classical music; They will be bringing classical music and ecological solutions to the people and places that need them most. Tickets: $25 at Ivy’s Bookstore, 2188 Oak Bay Avenue and at the door. All proceeds go to the Project. Join us in the inspirational celebration! Information: