In 2011
Oneness Wednesdays in December:
Transforming How We Engage with Our World: Conversation Works
Facilitator: Christopher Bowers
Church of Truth, Community of Conscious Living
111 Superior Street, Victoria, BC
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Free or by Donation
[50% of donations to the church and 50% to Outreach Project
December 7th – ConversationWorks on a personal basis: Questions that change lives and open opportunities in every conversation. An introduction to a new listening style. This is not an add-on to ‘how we engage in conversation’, but a new approach to replace the small talk and social banter, that rarely goes below the surface. We’ll be introduced to the tools, both hand-held and web-based and use them to engage with each other around themes or metaphors important to each person.
December 14th – ConversationWorks bring clarity, insight and collaboration ‘Collaboration is the new black’. We will use ConversationWorks tools to explore issues and initiatives important to each participant. This is a shorter version of the Collaboration Board that Conversation Works offers monthly at the Union Club.
How often are you in a diverse group of strangers, where one gets to mention an issue to them, and the rest of the people in the group are solely focused on how they can help you resolve that? That’s what [Collaboration Board] is to me
— Christopher Bowers
Bio for Christopher Bowers: Community developer – Coordinator of Green Drinks Victoria – Creator of workshop series called Power of Personal Story, Conversations with Roger, and Women in Change Principal of Conversation Works – produce new models of communication – Created a container for stories that inspire. Social entrepreneur – Created the suite of tools, dedicated to increasing social capital for people of all ages – Executive director of Community School
Interviews, a registered charity, designed to help students (all ages in fact) understand how the wider world works – Created a social network to connect resources to progressive projects.- Award winning educator – Worked in classrooms for over 30 years.- Received a Marshall McLuhan Distinctive Teacher Award for Innovation in Education Contact info for Christopher:
Winter Solstice Celebration
Wednesday, December 21
Facilitated by Joy Emmanuel
Church of Truth, Community of Conscious Living
111 Superior Street, Victoria, BC
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Free or by Donation
[50% of donations to the church and 50% to Outreach Project
Solstice is a moment to re-balance our energies in the yin and yang of Darkness dancing with Light. Solstice is the direction of North on the Medicine Wheel; place of the ancestors, wisdom, and strength. In Solstice time we celebrate the shift toward greater Light.
As we enter the festival of Light, what do these ancient, symbolic teachings offer us in this time of the Great Turning and birthing an awakening planetary consciousness?
Joy Emmanuel is a Transformational Coach, Adult Educator, Organizational Developer and Community Animator. Joy is a resident of OUR Ecovillage and offers transformational change programs for individuals and groups of all sizes.
Oneness Wednesdays in November:
Transforming Life Compassionately
– Inspired by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg’s Non-Violent Communication (NVC) Model
Co-Facilitators: Cheryalee Hutchison and Deb Morse
111 Superior Street, Victoria, BC
November 2, 9, 16, 23 + 30
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Drop-in to one or more evenings
Free or by Donation
[50% of donations to the church and 50% to Outreach Project]
Info: Linda at 250-380-6383 or
The Transforming Life Compassionately workshops provide opportunities to discover how thoughts and beliefs contribute to emotionally painful feelings, while revealing compassion’s vast potential to deepen interpersonal connections. Through guided meditation, self-awareness exercises and personal sharing, we will explore where breakdowns in communication occur and how to reconnect with respect and honesty.
Bio for Cheryalee Hutchison: Cheryalee currently facilitates a local Compassionate Communication practice group and is passionate about sharing the benefits of Compassionate Communication. In particular, Cheryalee appreciates the power of silent empathy and its ability to foster peace and understanding.
Bio for Deb Morse: Deb enjoys sharing the practice of compassionate communication and inspiring others to courageously engage in transformative experiences. She is a co-founder of Transforming Life Compassionately, a local non-profit group offering free workshops to help foster a culture of compassion in downtown Victoria. Deb is passionate about building community and creating social change – in 2010 she was honoured with the CRD EcoStar Award for Community Environmental Leader, for her work with the Organic Islands Festival and Sustainability Expo.
November 2 – Observation and Feelings The first week, we will introduce the basic concepts of how to connect compassionately with anyone, including one’s self, through the process of NonViolent communication (NVC). In particular, we’ll see how reframing our ‘stories’ can be a powerful first step to decreasing conflict and re-establishing natural empathic connection. It all begins with seeing the facts as they are and with being comfortable expressing our feelings.
November 9 – Needs and Requests This second week, we’ll explore how acknowledging needs as healthy life-serving expressions, and formulating requests based on those needs, is a powerful way to ensure that everyone’s needs are met, and that there are no ‘winners’ or ‘losers’ even in conflict situations. This needs-based approach can be applied to all intimate relationships, work, school, families, organizations and disputes.
November 16 – Communication that blocks compassion The third week we’ll have the opportunity to identify patterns of thinking that block compassion such as: blaming, shaming, judging, analyzing and labelling – and then move beyond this thinking, through a process that can be used anywhere and at anytime, allowing us to connect with our feelings and needs in a way that brings peace and clarity, even in the midst of emotional pain and distress.
November 23 – Self-Empathy This week we’ll explore how to deepen our ability to connect with self with deeper acceptance and understanding. The process of Self Empathy offers profound results and deep internal healing. This workshop welcomes you to take the first step.
November 30 – Four Ways to Receive a Hard to Hear Message Is it Door #1, Door #2, #3 or #4? It all depends on what our intentions are. This week, we’ll focus on how our intentions determine our choices and how to get our needs met, in a way that honours our humanity and that of others. Choosing to connect with honesty and empathy can empower us to hear even the most difficult message without blame or shame.
Oneness Wednesdays in October:
The Many Faces of Communication – A mindful journey into relationship
Facilitator: Susan Blackwood
Church of Truth, Community of Conscious Living
111 Superior Street, Victoria, BC
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Free or by Donation
[50% of donations to the church and 50% to Outreach Project
Theme: A fun and interactive month of exploring how we come into relationship with self and others. What is beyond the words we use? We will explore who we are and what influences us as we experience day-to-day life. We will look at four different ways we interact and react in community. Does listening to music change us and/or change how we are with others. Does body language influence our reactions to others?
Bio for Susan Blackwood: Susan is a seeker, she has spent 35 years researching and studying many forms of alternative health and spiritual teachings. She taught a daily meditation class in the Qualicum Beach Wellness Center, ran her own successful private energy based healing practice and in collaboration with other practitioners, created and ran successful health awareness days for the general public. Susan has studied three different models of circle work. She likes to fuse them to bring a unique experience to sitting in circle. Her energetic awareness coupled with a strong curiosity about community and how we form it has led her to take an unusual view of self-awareness and how we fit into community.
October 5th – Journeying. The first week, through guided meditation and self-awareness exercises we will move beyond linear into mythic realms. A Qualicum Beach medicine man, Gary Gaudet, will take us on a journey through the use of drums and rattles. Through mindfulness meditation, we will pay attention to how this influences us individually and collectively.
October 12 – Open Hearted Communication. The second week, Melanie and Pietro Abela, Founders of the ARC Institute, will lead us in an evening titled Open Hearted Communication. In an authentic, inviting, intimate and safe way, they will help us explore supportive communication tools that we can take back to family and friends. For more information about the Abela’s and ARC –
October 19 – Movement. The third week we will use physical movement from the subtle to fully engaged, to expand our awareness of self and group dynamics. A simple Tai chi practice will be taught. We will be offered an opportunity to practice this individually and with partners. The techniques are easy and physically non-demanding. As we move does it change how we relate to others and ourselves.
October 26 – Talking Circles. The final week is back to the more familiar. Talking Circles. But, with a little twist. We will use the skills we have learned over the month to be present with each other and to hear what is being said beyond the words that are being spoken. We will be offered the opportunity to reflect this back to each other. When we listen without needing to find an answer, we can often hear what is being said at a deeper level.
Oneness Wednesdays in September
Fall Equinox Celebration – Wednesday, September 21
Church of Truth, Community of Conscious Living
111 Superior Street, Victoria, BC
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Free or by Donation
[50% of donations to the church and 50% to Outreach Project]
Join D. Joan Thomas, Bob Winkenhower and Brian Martin for a transmogrifying celebration of the equinox You will be invited to tone/chant, read a line or two of magical poetry along with DJ and the two Bees! Above all, it will be fun. Poems will be on tap for you to read or just listen to, and will range from the uplifting to the dark side and the many facets in between. Come join us – we’re friendly.
Introduction to Your Quantum Mind – Wednesday, September 28
Church of Truth, Community of Conscious Living
111 Superior Street, Victoria, BC
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Free or by Donation
[50% of donations to the church and 50% to Outreach Project
Your Quantum Mind Program offers an opportunity for those in mid life and beyond to discover new horizons for psychological development. It traces the journey from childhood to maturity, using hypnosis as an aid to meditation to further develop your brain and mind
Learn about ideas such as: brain plasticity, the holographic nature of the universe, and the likelihood that our brains work according to the laws of quantum physics lead us to believe that we are so much more than we think we are. We are not limited to what we perceive with our five physical senses.
Please note: There will be a series of four Monday evening workshops on Your Quantum Mind offered by Ann Moffat and Zsuzsa Harsman starting in October (Oct 3, 17, 24 + Nov 7) from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at the Church of Truth. Cost will be a sliding scale of $20 to $50 per workshop depending on your financial situation. For additional information, please contact Ann Moffat at 250-658-5716 or
About the Facilitators:
Ann Moffat brings years of study in psychology to her practice of hypnotherapy and counselling. She is the founder of the hypnotherapy program, “Your Quantum Mind.”
Currently in practice as a Registered Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapist, she is using these techniques to help her reach her dream of connecting with others and living out what she has learned. As a lifelong learner she chooses to continue with advanced studies at an age when most people retire.
Her lifelong studies in psychology, philosophy and spiritual thought stem from a troubled childhood that left her with many questions about the purpose and challenges of life. This program contains many satisfying answers to these and other perennial mysteries that have plagued thinking people from the beginning of time.
Zsuzsa Harsman, adult educator, change agent, coach and facilitator successfully combines theory with professional realization in environments that often have no established precedents. Her strengths lie in establishing collaborative initiatives and in helping people achieve their dreams and vision towards a better future.
She has developed over thirty educational learning programs for the public, private and voluntary sectors, workshops and training in non-profit management, board development and organizational change. She also taught the first university course in Canada on Barrier-Free Design and has developed numerous community development, capacity building collaborations and learning circles. She holds a Masters of Education from OISE the Ontario Institute in Studies in Education.
Oneness Wednesdays in June
Spiritual Circles
Church of Truth, Community of Conscious Living
111 Superior Street, Victoria, BC
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Free or by Donation
[50% of donations to the church and 50% to Outreach Project]
This is an opportunity for small group discussions (ideally 6-8 people) for each circle. 3 facilitators holding space for each of the evenings. There will be an opportunity for a facilitator or two to choose their own spiritual topic or activity prior to the Oneness Wednesday evening and there will also be an opportunity for at least one topic or activity that can be brought to the group on a particular evening and is open for brief discussion by the people in attendance.
June 1st Spiritual Circles – Opportunity to Choose:
Topic 1 : Reflections on Madness and Enlightenment –
Facilitated by Dan Tourigny
Dan will read an excerpt from his short story, “Facing the Mystery: A Story of Madness and Enlightenment” followed by reflection, Q&A, and other peoples’ sharing on the topic. Entire short story at
About Dan Tourigny: Dan has been described as, “a sober man living in a drunk man’s world.” In honesty, it was a drunk man who first coined that phrase, but a wise drunk man nonetheless. As the founder and Patient #1 of the Tenacious Asylum, Dan embodies in his own life the mission of the Asylum: first, to control the insanity and second, to bring on the sanity. Dan is currently exploring the depths of both his sanity and insanity and intends on sharing with others insanity-controlling and sanity-promoting stories, ideas and practices.
Topic 2 : Spirituality and Food: Is there a connection?
Facilitated by Linda Chan
About Linda Chan: Linda is a member of Transition Victoria and coordinates the Food Working Group and Spring Ridge Commons, a community urban food forest/permaculture garden. She also coordinates a raw vegan group – VIVA-Rawwhich has monthly potlucks and occasional guest presenters focussed on the health benefits of a plant based lifestyle. In addition, she is on the committee for the Victoria Downtown Market Society whose aim is to establish a permanent downtown public market focussed on locally produced foods made on the Vancouver Island.
Topic 3 – Intimacy.
Facilitated by Deborah Hawkey
Deborah will read a prepared talk that she gave at the Church of Truth, followed by group participation. Real intimacy is an important aspect of all our relationships. It exposes the unconscious and teaches us trust. It helps us to recognize needs and it awakens the love within us to respond to those needs. It especially empowers us to meet our own needs.
About Deborah Hawkey: Deb is the Author of “The Day I Died, my journey on the path to self love.” This transformational story details Deborah’s journey from dying to living, self loathing to self love and how she became the empowered voice in her own story. By releasing the emotional traumas of her past she finds forgiveness, love and her true spiritual self.
June 8th – Spiritual Circles
* Topic 1: Vibrations
Facilitated by Clay Brown
You are invited to join Clay to explore conscience relationships to your own unique spiritual vibrational energy frequency. What is your direct experience with energy vibrations from nature plants , animals or people ? We will also explore the scale that measures the frequency of our highest conscience awareness and also the relationship to raising our higher self to manifest more energy.
About Clay Brown: Since Clay’s soul inception on the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia. he has had a deeper experience with the spiritual vibrational energy frequency that is all around us . Living for his first 24 years with the highest tides in the world added in this powerful relationship connection to the energy fields as directed to the Moon’s pull on the earth . ” The Moon It’s shadow , it’s light and it’s powerful vibrational energy has claimed me as it’s spirit child ”
* Topic 2: Vision and Values
Facilitated by Angela Bell
Visions and Values seem to answer many important questions.
Are we brave enough to look at them in closer view and question them?
Examples; Do we still have the same values as when we were a child and do we cultivate our Values enough?
How much are we affected by them and how much does it affect others?
What Visions do we have? Do we need to see farther, and how can we gain vision if we’re not prepared to climb higher?
Can we visualize value, value vision through reflection on icons and idols? Which one do you reflect?
Should they be classical ones, ‘tested to be worthy over time, or is it better to have contemporary inspirations?
If so, do we have enough of them, are you one of them?
Lets help each other to regenerate a conscious awareness of what’s feeding our roots!
Discussion’s, sharing the food that helps us grow stronger and more beautiful in order to co-create a sanctified beauty
About Angela Bell: Angela Bell is a seeker of Wisdom and Spiritual Truth and her passion has led her to many adventures. Her most recent pilgrimage in the Himalayas helped her to see many things in a clearer light.
* Topic 3: Open for brief discussion – will be decided on June 8th.
June 15th – Spiritual Circles
* Topic 1: The Gift Circle
Facilitated by Dennis Derfler
The idea of the gift circle is we come together to share our needs and services. People help each other out with our needs, and offer their services without expectation of getting anything in return. It’s a way of creating a gift economy (which is different than a trade, local currency, or money system). There has opened a field of generosity, caring, and community. People have been gifting each other massages, car mechanic help, graphic design services, bean soup, readings, babysitting, computer advice, clothes, veggies, editing, cleaning, places to stay, rides, help moving house, etc.. Over time many people have come through our weekly circle, and a kind of tribe has begun to form centered around the gift circle – with people helping each other during the whole week outside the circle. The vision is to have a whole network of these circles synergizing with each other in a local area to aikido the whole community into the gift economy.
Gift Circle Video Clip:
Transition Victoria has a Gift Circle Working Group:
About Dennis Derfler: Dennis moved to Victoria six years ago. In his retirement he has volunteerd with Victim Services of Greater Victoria, Capital City Volunteers and at Citizens’ Counselling Centre. His spiritual path has been influenced by western classical music, yoga and as a volunteer counsellor which he began doing in Toronto in 1983.
June 22nd – Spiritual Circles
* Topic 1: Treasure Tips
Facilitated by Angela Mandzuk
Angela will share her top 3 “Treasure Tips” that helps her to light her ‘inner path,’ while becoming attuned, connected and grounded in overall health. “Treasure Tips” are resources that serve as guides for self-nurturing, self-realization and self-responsibility. Join Angela in sharing experiences that you feel have lit up your unique path to greater spiritual, emotional, mental and physical awareness! If you are interested in receiving a full version of “Treasure Tips,” please e-mail Angela at
About Angela Mandzuk: An avid “Seeker of Truth” for over the last twelve years, Angela received an understanding of where her “true home” is, while grounded in her learnings to become 100% responsible for her thoughts, emotions, physical and spiritual well-being. Angela has explored many alternative self-healing practices and continues to apply disciplines for “Brain Health,” “Forgiveness Intentions,” “Music Therapy” and “Mantra and Meditation” practices. Her teachings include: 1) “Visionary Leadership,” by Christopher Moon of “Vision Mountain Leadership Training Ltd.;” 2) “The Work,” by Byron Katie; 3) Individual sessions with a Past Life Healer (“Inner Source Awareness” with Elizabeth Bohn), and a Chakra Reader (“Big Picture” readings with Evie Claire); 4) “Shmirat Haloshon” (“Proper Speech” course with Rabbi Barak Cohen); and 5) “New Friends Class” (“Taoist” spiritual principles associated with ‘true home’). Angela celebrates her gifts by giving gratitude for becoming vibrationally attuned to her own body’s wisdom and guidance, which directed her to a Vegan lifestyle. As an HSP (highly sensitive person), Angela enjoys encouraging and inspiring others along their journeys of growing in ‘spiritual awareness’ and ‘self-realization
* Topic 2: Signposts
Facilitated by Marvelous Trudeau
Discussion will focus on “What do you see as signposts on your conscious spiritual path?”
About Marvelous Trudeau: Marvelous is from Williams Lake and was an alcohol/drug counsellor for Cariboo Friendship Center there. She left all that behind,
is now singer, songwriter
and loves life
June 29 – Spiritual Circle
Topic # 1: TBA
Facilitated by Joan Hopper
About Joan Hopper: After studying for eight years on a Course in ‘Science of Mind’ – Joan completed a three year practical Course in San Diego to become a ‘Practitioner’ – She then joined this Church in 1984 and was asked to apply to the Mother Church in Pasadena – to become a minister. Because of her previous studies with Science of Mind, she was allowed to ‘challenge the examination for Ordination and in 1986, she was ordained in this Church by the Minister and President of the Pasadena Church, and the present minister of this Church, who was then, Richard di Castri.
For several years Joan was an assistant minister sharing the pastoral work with Richard as well as leading a weekly healing service once a week.
Joan was also, at this time, immersed in studying ‘Course in Miracles’ as well as the written works of Joel Goldsmith, who was in his time on this planet, a highly evolved mystic – his writings (which she still often refer to), help her to understand, very often, at a much deeper level, the True Spiritual message of CIM.
At the present time, Joan is conducting, as well as studying the ‘Way of Mastery’ – channelled by the same Great Master of ‘Course in Miracles’ – and is a ‘follow-up’ to the Course in Miracles’ Itself. The videos we show each week are given by a highly evolved Mystic and scribe. The studies never end! It is comforting to know – that they never will – and they do become more fascinating and fulfilling the more we apply ourselves to any Spiritual Path of study – the pathways are numerous – however, we all share the same goal ……. a Remembrance of ‘Oneness.!
Oneness Wednesdays in May …..
Restorative Justice: Healing Community with Joyanna Wilkinson and Friends – May 4, 11, 18 + 25, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Restorative Justice in Community is about healing the harm through forgiveness and healing mediation before the hurt multiplies in community
We are one humanity on this planet.
All life is interconnected and interdependent
All share in the Universal bond of love.
Love begins with self acceptance and forgiveness.
With tolerance and compassion we embrace diversity.
Together we make a difference through love.
— The Love Foundation
All meetings will be in a circle format and open for sharing.
May 4 – What is Restorative Justice in Corrections and Community
Intro by Joyanna: Spiritual aspect for me
Meditation and contemplation with Galalisa Star :Ceremonial singer and Visionary * 1
Circle discussion: “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”. We are all part of the problem AND the solution.
What is Restorative Justice in corrections and in community?
Film segment of First Nations circle from Healing River film about Restorative Justice in BC *2
May 11: Experiencing Restorative Justice Mediation
Invocation: Joanna will play One by One by Michael Stillwater *2 “…healing the World One heart at a time”.
Frank Smoke: meditation
Experience RJ mediation by doing a mock session of Family group Conferencing with volunteers for victim and offender and volunteer in support of each person.
Susan Langlois facilitator: Susan Langlois was a Probation Officer and Family Court Councillor for 30 years, always believing in healing the harm instead of punishment. On retirement she continues to be very involved in Restorative Justice with First Nations families.
May 18 – Spiritual Aspects of Restorative Justice
Invocation: Feels Like Home, song by Michael Stillwater
Stories from our circle at William Head with Margaret White: Restorative Justice volunteer, RJ advocate and Sunday liturgy attendee at William Head
May 25: Exploring Possibilities of Mediations in Families/Communities
Invocation: Joyanna
Effects of victim/offender mediations.
Exploring possibilities of mediation in families/communities.
— Gandhi
*1 Galilee: CD’s available on the 4th and at
*2 Michael Stillwater: CD ChantWave
*3 Healing River: www.
About Joanna (Joyanna) Wilkinson:
Joyanna first experienced Restorative Justice in action at a Symposium at William Head Institution with Katie Hutchison as keynote speaker; Katie came with the young man who murdered her husband. Together they were healing the harm by going together to schools with their experience.
Joyanna was moved to join the Restorative Justice Coalition, some 5 years ago; This group meets weekly at WIlliam Head. For Joyanna, this circle is an awakening of her heart, mind and spirit and she believes that we all grow together as we explore at a very deep level.
Drop – In to Oneness Wednesdays (Attend one or more evenings)
Date: Wednesdays, May 4, 11, 18 + 25
Time: 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: Church of Truth, Community of Conscious Living, 111 Superior Street
Cost: Free or by donation
Information: Linda at (250) 380-6383 or
Oneness Wednesdays in April…..
Resilience: Surviving and Thriving in Challenging Circumstances with Michael Tacon and Chris Bullock of the Well Foundation – April 6, 13, 20 + 27, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Each session will involve dyads and group sharing, meditation and other exercises in a circle format; It will be in an atmosphere of mutually supportive exploration.
Personal Resilience: An exploration – Wednesday, April 6
Resilience is our ability to recover from setbacks, both major and minor, to embrace change and to soften, rather than fight, This week, we will explore how resilience plays out in our lives, especially in these times of profound change. Through writing exercises and group sharing, we will identify our own style and level of personal resilience, and examine the childhood experiences and personal and cultural stories that have both inhibited and aided our personal resilience. Finally, we will explore together possibilities of transforming ourselves to meet the challenges of the future.
Relational Resilience: From conflict to connection – Wednesday, April 13
How we relate with ourselves, with each other, and with the world at large — greatly influences our ability to handle major difficulties in a resilient way. This week, we will identify obstacles to collaborative relationship and communication styles which do not serve our deepest relational needs. We will then look at how different communication models (such as non-violent communication) can dramatically improve our relationships and end this week by looking at how all the areas of relational resilience come together as a powerful antidote to the negative effects of profound societal change.
Spiritual Resilience: Living “Inter-Being” – Wednesday, April 20
Our belief systems and our relationship with the Sacred have a strong connection with our ability to cope with dramatic events that profoundly change our lives. How we make sense of what happens to us directly affects our ability to respond effectively. If we over-identify with our individuality — our separateness –we cut off any possibility of adequate connection to the whole, the bigger picture, and the sense of significance and meaning that can flow from that perspective. How do we overcome the illusion of separateness? We will use some periods of meditation and shared reflections to explore this question and for each of us to discern what works best for us as ways of anchoring us to the realm of the Sacred, in whatever way we understand that term.
Resilience: Integration and Moving Forward – Wednesday, April 27
What does a resilient way of living look like as we chart a course ahead that includes a healthy mix of inner coherence, relational efficacy and spiritual attunement? Through some guided meditation and dialogue, we will imagine together what our resilient way forward can look like. In this way, we can identify what we need to do to prepare ourselves for the Great Turning.
Michael Tacon: Michael is strongly committed to finding ways to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world in a positive and constructive way through his work as the Program Director for the Well Foundation, the Treasurer of the Centre for Earth and Spirit, his role in the Sooke Transition Initiative, and his work as a facilitator with the Pachamama Alliance. He sees the issues of resilience and sustainability as being key factors in the renewal of our civilization.
A Spring Series: Teachings for Turbulent Times – Tapping into Earth Wisdom – Join the Centre for Earth and Spirit and the Well Foundation to co-create a new way of thinking and being. 7 Tuesdays – May 3 to June 14 – This series of interactive sessions will explore how shifting views of the universe can help us to see our relationship with the Earth in new ways. Details: Centre for Earth and Spirit,
Community Co-operatives and the Global Meltdown – Join the Well Foundation for an evening presentation with Don Brown, an organization consultant who has worked in Canada, the United States, Jamaica and Israel on Monday, May 16 —- The coming economic, environmental and social global meltdown presents a unique, historic opportunity for us to come together in communities and regions to enable our global society to survive and prosper during the turbulent times ahead. For more details and registration:
Chris Bullock: Chris is particularly interested in the psychological, emotional and spiritual dimensions of resilience and sustainability, and tries to develop this focus in his work as Secretary-Treasurer of the Well Foundation, coordinator of the Heart and Soul working group in Transition Victoria, student of Non-Violent Communication, and facilitator in the Pachamama Alliance’s “Awakening the Dreamer” program, which he would like to learn to bring to children.
Everyone is Welcome!
Drop – In to Oneness Wednesdays (Attend one or more sessions)
Date: Wednesdays, April 6, 13, 20 + 27
Time: 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: Church of Truth, Community of Conscious Living, 111 Superior Street
Cost: Free or by donation
Information: Linda at (250) 380-6383 or
Oneness Wednesday in March …..
For the Love of Writing, For the Love of Self with June Swadron – March 2, 9, 16, 23 + 30, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Writing has the power to stop time, cut through the extraneous and take us home to our heart.
These evenings will be devoted to exploring our relationship with writing and how it can bring us to the centre of our being – that special place inside of us where wisdom, beauty, love and truth reside.
We will write from prompts and from poetry, from music and life story. We will share our writings with one another in a sacred circle of compassion, laughter and kindness.
The evenings will inspire the desire to know ourselves and each other through the discovery and alchemy that can emerge on the page. If you’ve been a blocked writer, be ready to kick start your practice again. If you are writing with ease – let the experience dance you even further.
Also open to experience of the indescribable comfort that comes from being listened to with reverent kindness and unconditional love and when we hold that space for another.
June Swadron has been facilitating creative writing workshops (Write Where You Are) and workshops in writing life stories (Re-Write Your Life) for twenty years. Her recently published book, Re-Write Your Life is a unique guided writing experience that empowers the reader to let go of old resentments ,hurts and regrets and make peace with their past… see the gifts in every story we have ever lived.
Upcoming June Swadron Workshops:
- Write Where You Are – A Creative Writing Experience – Thursdays, 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., begins April 28 for 8 weeks
- Re-Write Your Life Writing Workshop – Mondays, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., begins May 2 for 8 weeks.
Everyone is Welcome!
Drop – In to Oneness Wednesdays
Date: Wednesdays, March 2, 9, 16, 23 + 30
Time: 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: Church of Truth, Community of Conscious Living, 111 Superior Street
Cost: Free or by donation
Information: Linda at (250) 380-6383 or
Oneness Wednesday in February…..
Our Common Purpose: Soul’s Journey with Blair Little of SEQL – February 2, 9, 16 + 23, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
These four sessions will provide some practical ways to experience the Reality of Life – the energy matrix which is behind our personality expression – and suggest some implications that follow from that experiential knowing. Then we will learn ways of handling our energy world in order to express more fully the soul qualities of Love and Oneness to bring harmony and service to our living.
About: Society for the Enhancement of Quality of Life (SEQL) offers educational programs to help people become more aware of the fact of soul in order to know the oneness of humanity, to bring an energy of peace to the world and to serve more effectively in their everyday lives. Information:
Everyone Welcome to Oneness Wednesdays. Drop-in to one or all sessions in the month, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Free or by donation.
Drop – In to Oneness Wednesdays
Date: Wednesdays, February 2, 9, 16 + 23
Time: 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: Church of Truth, Community of Conscious Living, 111 Superior Street
Cost: Free or by donation
Information: Linda at (250) 380-6383 or
Oneness Wednesdays in January……
The Way of The Playful Warrior –
Opening to Our Playful and Spontaneous Inner Nature.
With Playful Paul & Friends
Drop – In to Oneness Wednesdays
Date: Wednesdays, January 5, 12, 19 + 26
Time: 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.
Location: Church of Truth, Community of Conscious Living, 111 Superior Street
Cost: Free or by donation
Information: Linda at (250) 380-6383 or
· Playful Warrior Dances in Joy
· Playful Warrior Risks in Love
· Playful Warrior Lets the Universe Play Through Us
· Playful Warrior Utterly Lost and Then Comes Back To Speak
Way of the Playful Warrior – Weekly Focus
The Way of the Playful Warrior -Some Ideas That Will Unfold
Everyone Welcome to Drop-In
to Any and All Evenings.
About Paul Monfette:
After playing “Muffet at the Bat “, at 7yrs. old in grade 2, Paul returned to the stage twenty-five yrs. later in musical and children’s theatre to lead a band of seven mighty dwarves slaying the Dragon Smaug as Bilbo Baggins in, ” The Hobbit “
Paul is increasingly committed to slaying whatever holds him back from living an authentic life, willing to play through the barriers into joyful innocence, which lies waiting beneath the thin veneer of serious “adult” bondage.
Dancing with children and dogs, lazin’ about with cats and being life’s student have propelled Paul to share with others the wonder of being alive.
Come out and play with Paul and Friends.