Oneness Wednesdays in December, 2014
Wednesdays Dec 3, 10, 31
7:00- 8:30 p.m. (Note start time)
Free or by donation
December 3 (7:00 – 8:30) by Rebecca Hanson, presenting Buddhist teachings and meditation on Compassion.
Topic: Developing Compassion
Description: During this Holiday season, we will very likely spend time with people who seem to “push our buttons.” How can we develop compassion towards them? The main obstacle to developing compassion for all living beings is the feeling of dislike towards others. We cannot have compassion towards all beings while we continue to feel glad to meet some people and irritated or annoyed when meeting others. This 90 minute class will contain several brief guided meditations as we examine how we can begin to change our perspective and discover how developing compassion can make an improvement in all our relationships.
Teacher: Rebecca Hanson is a member and a senior teacher with Bodhichitta Buddhist Centre, a registered charity and member of the worldwide New Kadampa Tradition. Rebecca has taught in many venues, including the Wednesday morning and Saturday morning courses at Bodhichitta Buddhist Center. She is currently the branch teacher for the Centre’s Thursday night Meditation Classes at James Bay. Rebecca draws from both her meditation experiences and her life experiences to make her teachings clear and meaningful.
December 10 (7:00 – 8:30) an evening of reiki With Jack Hyatt and Peggy Muncaster
December 17 and 24 we will take a winter break
December 31 – (7:00 – 12:00+) a Heart Centered New Year’s Eve Celebration with:
- Circle Dancing with Betsy Nuse
- Year End/New Year writing workshop with Junie Swadron
- Creating a heart labyrinth of colourful fabric and candles with Renee Lindstrom, and walking it with love and joy
- a potluck finger food feast and time to mix, mingle, celebrate
Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26
7:30 – 9 p.m.
Free or by donation
With Don Morris, M.Ed Counseling
Don, who with wife Elizabeth, kick-started Canada’s 1st Death Cafe will
debut his latest end-of-life educational offering; a spin-off of the international cafe entitled End-of-Life Conversations. It differs by having guest speakers and a weekly focus at the end of the each session on My Voice, BC’s Advance Care Planning Guide. There will be multiple group discussions throughout each evening.
Don’s professional background revolves around death, psychotherapy and end-of-life concerns. He is currently co-developing a national online community for death midwifery as well as building an ethical will/legacy letter writing business. As a visionary he is passionate about shedding more light on the wholeness of life, death, and our relationship to Mother Earth. In his spare time he volunteers as a community counsellor at the Esquimalt Neighborhood House.
Nov. 5 Ethical Wills/Legacy Letters with Don Morris
Don, a certified ethical will/legacy letter facilitator, will explain what these heart- felt letters are all about. Included are the whys and how’s to write one plus sample writing exercises. For more info:
Nov. 12 Advance Directives – Your Wishes for Future Healthcare Treatment with Dawn Dompierre, RN, BSN
Dawn works for VIHA as an Advance Care Planning Nurse for Seniors Health where she educates the public on advance care planning. Her PowerPoint presentation will walk us gently through this important topic.
For more info: -&-
Nov. 19 Buddhist Perspectives on the Afterlife with Rebecca Hanson
Rebecca, a student of Kelsang Zopa, will speak to us and answer questions on the Tibetan perspective of life after death.
For related info:
Nov. 26 Dying with Dignity with Dr. Adrian Fine
Adrian, a retired kidney specialist, believes that mentally competent adults in intolerable suffering should have the right to die. Dr. Fine will attempt to answer some of your most pressing questions.
For more info: , -&-
Oneness Wednesdays in October 2014
Wednesdays Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
7:30- 9:00 p.m.
Renee Lindstrom of Inside Awareness, will be presenting ‘The Beauty Path’s 4 Aspects of Self.’ This will begin on the first Wednesday that is the eve before “World Empathy Day” with a community outdoor candlelight Labyrinth Walk. The consecutive Wednesday’s will move indoors into the Church of Truth’s beautiful sanctuary.
The indoor events will begin by shifting focus to a Medicine Wheel from the Labyrinth. The Medicine Wheel is a traditional Peoples reflective walking pattern that has been adopted by Canada’s West Coast Tribes from our Plains Tribes. We are happy to have Nicole Mandryk, a Metis Songstress sing for us and pay tribute to our first Peoples of the land in James Bay where the Church of Truth is located. This will be followed by an elder of the Church, Steven Graves, who will open the Medicine Wheel and call in the four directions.
At the next two Wednesday’s in October the focus of attention will shift from conscious movement to mindfulness as we begin to explore each quadrant of the Medicine Wheel’s four aspects of self: mental, emotional, physical and belief. We will sit in a talking circle of respect and friendship.
On our last Wednesday evening together in October we will integrate our personal experiences of the Medicine Wheel into experiencing a labyrinth walk. It will begin by laying a labyrinth together to create and hold the space. This will be followed by walking our pathway to the heartbeat of our month-long experience together.
The Wednesday Evening Breakdown:
Wednesday, Oct 1 – 7:00 – 8:00 pm CANDLE LIGHT LABYRINTH WALK
Note the Location: Irving Park, corners of Menzie and Michigan Street
On the eve of World Empathy Day (International Day of Nonviolence) join a community Candle Light Labyrinth Walk.
Wednesday, Oct 8 – 7:30 pm – 9:30 p.m. BEAUTY PATH: CALLING IN THE MEDICINE WHEEL
Wednesday, Oct 15 – 7:30 pm – 9:30 p.m. BEAUTY PATH: EXPLORING 4 ASPECTS OF SELF: MENTAL & BELIEF
Wednesday, Oct 22 – 7:30 pm – 9:30 p.m. BEAUTY PATH: EXPLORING 4 ASPECTS OF SELF: PHYSICAL & EMOTIONAL
Oneness Wednesdays in September 2014
Wednesdays Sept 10, 17, 24
7:30- 9:00 p.m.
September 10 Re-Write Your Life – A Sacred Path to New Beginnings
September 17 Your Voice on the Page Becomes Your Voice in the World
For those who have ever considered writing a book, blog, play,or lyrics
September 24 Resurrecting the Beauty, Intimacy and Elegance of Letter Writing
Junie Swadron is the author of Re-Write Your Life, A Transformational Guide to
Writing and Healing the Stories of Our Lives. She is also a Speaker, Psychotherapist and Writing Workshop Facilitator. You can also find her at the BC Schizophrenia Society where she works part time as a Peer Support Worker and certified WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan).
Junie loves the ever growing opportunities that allow her to inspire people to live
their passion, creativity and highest potential.
Junie will be offering her writing workshops this fall and can be reached at:
Oneness Wednesdays in Fall 2014
Once again Oneness Wednesdays will be starting up after the summer hiatus….. What offerings will this year bring? Who will be willing to come forward and play on the edge of who we continually invent ourselves to be? Will it be you?
Over the years since Oneness Wednesdays have come into being as the inspired idea of Linda Chan and Pat Miller, there have been a wide variety of offerings. We have invited meditation and circle dance and chi gong; explored the decline of patriarchy, and attended Death Cafés and flying sessions. We created labyrinths to walk, sacred ceremonies, and more, much more!
This coming season’s presenters promise to be just as varied and dynamic with a return by our Writing Diva, Junie Swadron kicking off September 10 with a series of writing based activities, followed by labyrinth and medicine circle exploring with Renee Lindstrom in October. November will bring a follow-up to the Death Cafes with a further exploration of end-life preparedness strategies with everyone’s favorite Death Mid-wife Don Morris. Susan Blackwood will lead us the first three weeks in December with an exploration of the symbology that was put into creating the physical structure of the church. She envisions physically activating the original symbology that was used to create the space – a perfect sacred activity for finishing up the calendar year. Renee Lindstrom will help us bring in the New Year’s energies with a December 31 labyrinth walk focused on manifesting our goals.
We are continually open to new suggestions and feedback, of course – let’s dialogue!
Oneness Wednesdays are offered on a free or by donation basis with half the monies collected going to the COT and the other half going to a worthy charity. Running from 7:30 – 9pm on Wednesdays with the possibility of an extension they are an excellent way of fostering community and sending goodwill out to the broader community.
Please join us in our sacred space, 111 Superior St by Fisherman’s Wharf. Help send streams of Love, Joy, Peace and compassion to this beautiful planet, our home.
Be at Peace
Peggy and Paul
Oneness Wednesdays in July and August
Oneness Wednesdays will take a hiatus for the summer months of July and August, and will begin again in September. Much appreciation goes to this last years’ co-ordinators Deborah Hawkey and Marvellous Trudeau for carrying on the CoT tradition of interesting and inspiring Wednesday evening programs.Starting in September Peggy Muncaster and Paul Monfette will be coordinating these experiential and participatory Wednesday evenings at the Church of Truth, with explorations ranging along a wide spectrum of spiritual and uplifting human endeavour. Oneness Wednesdays are offered from 7:00 to 9:30 Wednesday evenings, and are by donation with no one being turned away.If you have something dear to your heart and would like to volunteer to share and lead from one to a sequence of four of these evenings, or know of someone who has something wonderful to offer as a presenter whom you would love to see lead,Please contact Peggy :
Paul :
vigsca@yahoo.caThis would be for the Autumn or Winter seasons or further into Spring of 2015.Please come be a supporter of Oneness Wednesdays, connecting us deeper to ourselves, each other and on out into the world.We are looking for offerings which unite, are participatory, inclusive and could be meditative and/or fun.What would you like to see on a Oneness Wednesday evening?Thanks for your consideration.
Paul & Peggy
Oneness Wednesdays in June
Wednesdays June 4, 11, 18, 25
7:30- 9:30 p.m.
***extended time during June***
Literary Cabaret, Victoria’s Got Talent & Summer Dance Party with Junie Swadron. Author, Writing Coach, Workshop Facilitator & Psychotherapist.
June 4 Literary Cabaret
A good story is one of life’s greatest simple pleasures. Whether you are a fan of fiction, nonfiction or poetry, this evening is sure to delight. Join us for two hours of listening to talented writers and poets.
June 11 Victoria’s Got Talent
With the talent search open to acts of all ages, “Victoria’s Got Talent” is bringing the variety format to The Church of Truth by showcasing an array of performers — from singers and dancers, to comedians, jugglers and magicians.
Litha, Midsummer and St. John’s Day are all names associated with Old European festivals at the astronomical event of summer solstice. This time of year has been celebrated in many ways for many, many generations. What meanings can we take – from both the season and from these old traditions – for ourselves, today?
We’ll consider and celebrate – through movement and reflection – how we can more closely align ourselves with the world around us at this time, as we’re surrounded by warm air, long days, short nights, greenery and flowers.
We’ll gather first indoors, but then spend some time outside in park adjacent to the church before returning indoors to end the evening. Please bring appropriate footwear/hats/sweaters or jackets!
*****Betsy Nuse is a student of sacred/circle dance, gardening/permaculture, poetry and wisdom traditions.
June 25 Summer Dance Party with Junie Swadron
Hey Victoria…Are You Ready…for a Summer Dance Party?!!! Boogie the night away to all of your favorites. Come in costume if you desire.
Contact Junie via email:
Oneness Wednesdays in May
Wednesdays May 7, 14, 21, 28
From 7:30- 9:00 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to drop in free or by donation
May 7 The FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES with Moneca Gabriel.
Have you ever wondered how it is that you can communicate easily with one person; and not with another?? Discover your own love language and hold a priceless advantage in the quest for love for another spouse, friend, colleague, family member!! You will leave the interaction at the session aware of your language and others. Help each other feel truly loved.
May 14 The FOUR MAIN PERSONALITIES with Moneca Gabriel
Which of these statements do you relate to most? I am well organized and keep everything in its proper place It’s difficult for me to express excitement even about something that’s really important to me When I shop at the mall, it’s not unusual for me to forget where I parked the car I get annoyed when others don’t follow my instructions Each of us have strengths and when we discover them, we can improve and correct our weaknesses that come along with each. You will be engaged in a discovery about yourself and others; and then understand others by understanding yourself.
Moneca has been a Life Coach for over 30 years and promises an evening of interaction and discovery
About Moneca Gabriel
Moneca Gabriel, MSW, is a certified and passionate Life coach who has spent over 30 years coaching and leading workshops. She has been a teacher-trainer in Kenya for 4 years; on International staff as a Team, Management and Leadership facilitator for 15 years; and has volunteered with Landmarkworldwide since 1982.
Moneca’s purpose in life is to have people live in unity from their SOUL selves; and she promises to bring out the best in each of us.
She is in the LIFE Leadership business-Living the LIFE you’ve always wanted. It is a revolutionary self-discovery system that each person customizes and personalizes to one’s own goals and needs. LIFE members are compensated 72% of the profits.
Moneca is proud of her two sons and daughter; and is enjoying being a ‘young’ grandmother of 3 grandsons and a granddaughter.
May 21 & 28 FLYING: Healing Meditation in Movement: Moving Into All That We Are with Nance Thacker
Become skilled in the healing practice of flying and manifesting the future that is your heart’s desire, to live your best life, for the benefit of yourself and your community.
Flying opens our loving, compassionate heart to break the chains of old, ill-formed thought patterns that no longer serve us, and release them with ease. The truth of our full potential emerges and we bring it into the present through the flight.
You will learn: Flying, a meditative movement (done to Hawaiian music) from Hawaiian Temple Bodywork; the power of intention from a Huna perspective; the art of Active Dreaming to the beat of the drum and, Ho’oponopono – forgiveness practice.
Wear: Comfortable clothing that allows easy movement, material to use as a sarong/pareo to wrap around ones waist (optional)
Preparation: Spend a few days working with and refining the intention you want to bring into the present and be ready to state it clearly in one sentence.
Bring with you: something for the altar we create together – photo of family member(s), poem, inspirational writing/book, crystal, something that represents people, pets, spiritual mentors/teachers (living or dead), projects, flowers, water, rocks etc. blanket, eye covering, journal/paper and pen,
Attend one or both. Participation on May 21 isn’t a pre-requisite for May 28.
About NANCE THACKER B.A., Dipl S.T., C.H I learned the flight (a foundational practice for Lomi – Hawaiian Temple form of bodywork) in 2005 from my Lomi teachers Harriette Sakuma and Birgit Reichman who have given me permission to share it. They, and Kahuna Harry Uhane Jim (Lomi Lomi) showed me the wonders of Huna, the power of heart-filled intent, love and the magic workings of the universe, and Ho’oponopono (forgiveness).share these practices and teachings with heart-filled gratitude. I have been a teacher of dreams since. For over 37 years I’ve taught the healing and creative art of dreamwork to individuals and groups.
For more information contact Nance at or 778-350-4995 Website:
Oneness Wednesdays in April
Wednesdays April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
From 7:30- 9:00 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to drop in free or by donation
With Renee Lindstrom
Begin your Spring with exploring mindful somatic connections in your body, brain and behavior functions. Increase clarity using a technique to explore your own self-image and heightening your sensory awareness. Expect to be taken through guided exercises that may give you a surprising outcome!
Each of the following Wednesday evening events may leave you with a heart-mind-soul connection not unlike devotion even though the focus is softening an inward view of oneself.
Special Guest, Betsy Nuse, a student of Sacred/Circle Dance, will be joining us to enhance your movement experience in connection to dance. Each Wednesday evening will end as it began; in a circle as we explore our movement integration with a Sacred Circle Dance. A beautiful simple dance has been chosen to increase the inner felt sensation of the powerful connection through your body from feet to outstretched hands.
The music we have chosen is “Ya Ribon Olam;” a Jewish Sabbath song with lyrics in Aramai on the album by Giora Feidman called “Jewish Soul Music.”
Historically a community would dance one (or few) dances together year after year. By adopting this tradition for April’s Oneness Wednesday Community it may enhance the group connection to deepen inner conscious connection!
****You may bring a blanket to lie on and remember to dress comfortably.****
(Recommend no jeans or tight belts)
April 2 The first Wednesday of April will be a Journey of Inner Reflection and Connection that will let your mind become restful. Through focused movement and a quiet mind you may find a gap of clarity become available. This result is much like a sitting meditation yet with a different focus. The difference in meditation is that the focus is on observing your mind and in this the focus is integrate your mind.
By integrating your mind it will cut confusion and balance body and mind, behavior and increase your ability of inner focusing. This somatic awareness enhances your meditation and yoga practice, it doesn’t compete with it!
April 9 On this second Wednesday you will focus on Deepening Body Awareness to encourage a quieter mind and expanding your “3 D self-image.” Currently the world reflects back to you your self-image. Often it is a mirror reflecting back to you your self-image. This evening you will explore a somatic experience of your own self-image. Enjoy increasing your potential of experiencing more balance in your environment from the inside out!
April 16 On this third Wednesday you will experience a Focus on Body Movement that becomes prayer like in your own balance of inner and outer connection! Not to be missed if you want to find yourself in self-connection that is unlike any other system! You may find yourself in a state of appreciation that you may not be expecting and it is without any doctrine or guru. It is simply through your own ability to connect to all parts of yourself in a balanced and harmonious way.
April 23 The fourth Wednesday will focus on a Movement Sequence that will be a gift for a lifetime. It will be a movement pattern that is easy and that will balance your emotions, nervous system and your bad posture habits. This pattern sequence will support your nervous system and given you a strong ability to cope with your everyday life. It may become a must do sequence of self-connection before meditating! It will enhance all your abilities and deepen your coping skills!
April 30 The final Wednesday will bring you into Exploring Bigger Movements to integrate your body, mind and behavior inner sensing into regular daily activities and others you pursue such as dancing, walking, fitness. The skill of observation will give you increased awareness of yourself in other areas of enjoying your life!
In 2012 Renee hosted a month-long Oneness Wednesday Awareness program with the Church of Truth. The focus was the Season for Nonviolence and using the skills of nonviolent communication.
In 2013 Renee hosted a month-long Oneness Wednesday Awareness program at the Church of Truth. The focus was on Labyrinths for Walking and Integrating it with movement and inner communication and self-empathy.
Oneness Wednesdays in March
Wednesdays March 5, 12, 19, 26
From 7:30- 9:00 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to drop in free or by donation
March 5 Crystal Vibrations with Valerie Carter
Transform your body, mind and spirit at the experiential workshop featuring the harmonic energy of crystal singing bowls. The alchemy tones determined by bowl size, musical note and the mix of pure quartz crystal with precious gem stones and minerals promotes healing through vibration. Give yourself permission to entrain with the frequencies of the bowl’s pristine crystalline structure to clear energetic blocks in the physical and spiritual bodies as you respond and resonate at a deep cellular level.
March 12 The Power of Sound with Valerie Carter
Throughout history the power of sound has been used in many forms with ceremony, prayer and intent to achieve a higher state of vibrational energy to connect with Spirit. Tibetan bowls, chanting and the inaudible sound of prayer
were used by Buddhists, while the Indigenous peoples drummed and shook rattles during dance to bring forth rain, abundant harvest and successful hunts. Today, following the traditions of ancient cultures we continue to use the power of sound and intent with crystal bowls and toning for healing and transformation.
About Valerie Carter
My journey to this place of sound healing began with a call to study and practice an eclectic mix of healing modalities as I travelled through the snow covered Canadian prairie provinces to receive my Reiki I & II Attunements and an
initiation into Body Talk. Returning to the mild coast of Vancouver Island I enrolled in an eight month Light worker’s Energy Medicine Course to obtain my certificate for Reiki Master/Teacher, Crystal Chakra Balancing, Deep Emotional
Release, Past Life Regression and Shamanic Energy Medicine.
After hanging my Karuna®Reiki/Teacher Certificate on the wall I took my first trip to the red rocks of Sedona and studied BioridianTherapy® with North American Aboriginal Healer, David Singing Bear. My interest in the Healing Arts expanded as I taught Reiki classes and conducted healing sessions where weird became normal as the increasing awareness of sensations in my body matched energy blockages in the client.
Continuing to answer the call, I returned to Sedona to learn the Ancient Sounds of Pineal Tones and at the same time, following a synchronistic nudge, purchased Crystal Singing Bowls leading to a passion and intuitive knowledge of healing with the vibration of sound. Study included many hours of online courses and
practice of the Galactic Dimensions of Sound, Mastering Conscious Sound and Lemurian Pineal Tone Practice Course, as well as a Sacred Journey to the rain forest of Hawaii with renowned Songstress, Lenedra Carroll, mother of Jewel, and Hawaiian Kahuna Kaleiiliahi, focusing on ‘Songlines’, the ancient traditions of sound and ceremony in nature.
March 19 & 26 ACTIVE DREAMING NANCE THACKER – Level II Certified Dreamworker (Robert Moss Dream Teacher Training) B.A., Dipl S.T., CH (Certified Hypnotist)
Becoming a Dream Archaeologists in the Multiverse
Our daily life in ordinary reality is enriched when we remember, record, work and play with our dreams. In the dreamworld we are whole, healed and have access to infinite wisdom. The power of imagination and creativity, sleep dreams, conscious dreaming, synchronicity; all will be explored through dream games and the Lightning Dreamwork Process of Robert Moss. As we journey on the beat of the drum we discover that we don’t need to sleep in order to dream and that our dreamlife and daily waking life are constantly communicating with each other.
A dream archaeologist is one who embarks consciously into dreams with intention; blends the skills of shamanic dreaming, investigative reporting and scholarship; and brings the dream wisdom into action turning it into useful effects in our daily life and our world.
Healing and transformation await dream explorers in the sacred space and compassionate dreamcircle energy that we create together. As we navigate our way through levels of consciousness, explore other realities and reclaim ancestral wisdom, living our bigger story and our soul’s passion becomes possible.
Experienced and novice dreamers are welcome.
Bring with you: pillow, blanket, eye covering, journal, pen, something for the altar, a sense of adventure; wear comfortable, warm clothing.
Honing our Dreaming Skills with Dream Games and Dream Theatre
Practice, practice, practice, play and have fun…more explorations in the multiverse, refining tools for navigating between the worlds and living a conscious life here and NOW. Participation in the previous week’s workshop, though helpful, isn’t essential but a sense of adventure and fun is 
Experienced and novice dreamers are welcome.
Bring with you: pillow, blanket, eye covering, journal, pen, something for the altar, a sense of adventure; wear comfortable, warm clothing.
About Nance Thacker
When I was 11 years old the world of dreams demanded that I pay attention; I have been a student of dreams ever since. For over 37 years I’ve taught the healing and creative art of dreamwork to individuals and groups. I have attained Dream Teacher II level with the gifted, world-reknown dreamer, dream archaeologist, and multiverse explorer, Robert Moss whose methods inspire my own presentations.
For more information on dreams and dreamworkshops:
Contact Nance at or 778-350-4995
Visit Nance Thacker and AWAKENING CHOICE DREAMS at
Robert Moss and THE WAY OF THE DREAMIER at
Oneness Wednesdays in February
Wednesdays February 5, 12, 19, 26
From 7:30- 9:00 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to drop in free or by donation
“Combining Mind, Body and Breath – the Ancient Art of Health and Longevity”
With Lynn Gordon
Relaxation is the heart and the key to all other endeavours. Relaxation means letting go and this is not so easy, but health and freedom begin here.
Breathing and meditation are intrinsic to the exercises. We will also engage with simple self-massage practices that induce energy flow and well-being.
Lynn has been training for more than 30 years and teaching for over 20 years.
These will be largely experiential sessions using exercises and techniques from Chi Kung and Tai Chi.
Everyone will be able to participate including those whose physical condition requires them to sit rather than stand.
Oneness Wednesdays in January
Wednesdays January 8, 15, 22, 29
From 7:30- 9:00 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to drop in free or by donation
Community Discussion
As a community of conscious living that is constantly evolving, it is important to check in from time to time to find out:
Who we are now
What is working
What isn’t
What we want to stay the same
What we want to change – if anything
In order to hear from everyone about these questions, the Board has requested the Oneness Wednesday slots in January to hold open discussions.
The first three sessions will be to get consensus for recommended motions for change. The final week will be an opportunity to vote on the motions.
The sessions will be open to all participants in the community. However, only paid members will be eligible to vote.
This type of all-community discussion has proved very fruitful and enlightening in the past. It also helps us know each other better in a safe and friendly environment as we respectfully
express our similar and diverse thoughts and feelings about our spiritual community.