2018 IE Wednesdays Archives


Oneness Wednesdays has been renamed to reflect a change in the orientation of these Wednesday evening events. Inspirational Explorations will feature a variety of sessions organized by a variety of facilitators, including some sessions that may continue for a while on a monthly basis. The aim of these sessions will still be to explore and experience dimensions of spirit, community and conscious living, but from as wide a range of perspectives as possible. In pursuit of this goal, members and friends of the Church of Truth are warmly invited to send in proposals for facilitating a session or a series to any of the IE co- coordinators—addresses below. Inspirational Explorations will begin at 7.15 (unless otherwise stated), and will be by donation, or free if a donation creates hardship.

Because of the Christmas season, Inspirational Explorations on Wednesdays in December will include only two sessions:

December 5. COMMUNITY CIRCLE. Facilitated by Sanjara Omoniyi.

December 12. Manifesting the Inner Divine. Facilitated  by Peggy Muncaster.

IE Co-Coordinators: Chris Bullock (chrisbullock@shaw.ca), John Vanden Heuvel (sunvann@yahoo.ca), Peggy Muncaster (muncasterpeggy@gmail.com),  Troi Leonard (troileonard5@gmail.com



Oneness Wednesdays has been renamed to reflect a change in the orientation of these Wednesday evening events. Inspirational Explorations will feature a variety of sessions organized by a variety of facilitators, including some sessions that may continue for a while on a monthly basis. The aim of these sessions will still be to explore and experience dimensions of spirit, community and conscious living, but from as wide a range of perspectives as possible. In pursuit of this goal, members and friends of the Church of Truth are warmly invited to send in proposals for facilitating a session or a series to any of the IE co- coordinators—addresses below. Inspirational Explorations will begin at 7.15 (unless otherwise stated), and will be by donation, or free if a donation creates hardship.

Inspirational Explorations on Wednesdays in November will include sessions on public speaking, spiritual readings, poetry and song, and discovering the inner divine.

Nov 7: PUBLIC SPEAKING FOR THE SHY ONES Facilitation: Marvelous Trudeau

Marvelous Trudeau will present PUBLIC SPEAKING FOR THE SHY ONES, a time for anyone wishing to speak on a mike, sing or play an instrument.  This is a free of charge event.   A time to challenge yourself to begin to break through the fear.

Nov 14:  Spiritual Leanings in Literature.  Facilitation: John Vanden Heuvel

This event invites anyone who cares to share – quotes, sentences, paragraphs and poems, from any style of literature, that have inspired you with its ‘spiritual life insights’. We’ll share, contemplate and discuss our offerings in a ‘light-hearted’ informal way. John Vanden Heuvel will guide us through the evening. All are most welcome, invite friends.

Nov 21: Conversing with the Muse: A Poetry and Music Circle.  Facilitation: Chris Bullock,  Hendrik de Pagter.

Poets, songwriters, and lovers of poetry and/or song are all invited to be part of this event. Participants will sit in a circle, and read aloud/perform a poem or song (either their own or someone else’s), say a few words about why it is meaningful to them, and then invite brief comments from anyone who has been inspired by that poem/song. No-one is required to either perform or to comment. And having said that, we should add that creativity might inspire us sometimes to do quite other things, like write a poem together, express by movement, who knows what. No fixed rules—lots of inspiration (we hope).

Nov 28: Peggy Muncaster.

IE Co-Coordinators: Chris Bullock (chrisbullock@shaw.ca), John Vanden Heuvel (sunvann@yahoo.ca), Peggy Muncaster (muncasterpeggy@gmail.com),  Troi Leonard (troileonard5@gmail.com



Oneness Wednesdays has been renamed to reflect a change in the orientation of these Wednesday evening events. Inspirational Explorations will feature a variety of sessions organized by a variety of facilitators, including some sessions that may continue for a while on a monthly basis. The aim of these sessions will still be to explore and experience dimensions of spirit, community and conscious living, but from as wide a range of perspectives as possible. In pursuit of this goal, members and friends of the Church of Truth are warmly invited to send in proposals for facilitating a session or a series to any of the IE co- coordinators—addresses below. Inspirational Explorations will begin at 7.15 (unless otherwise stated), and will be by donation, or free if a donation creates hardship.

Inspirational Explorations on Wednesdays in October will include sessions on dance and politics, spiritual readings, poetry and song, community, and a Hallowe’en party.

Oct 3, at 7.30: Dance for Democracy.   Facilitation: Frances Litman.

Enjoy an inspirational evening of learning, laughter and movement that is guaranteed to leave you feeling lighter, happier and empowered.   CreativelyUnited.org founder and community connector Frances Litman will facilitate this fun, free community event that incorporates laughter, art and even dance with knowledge about this fall’s historic referendum and why it’s vital to vote Yes for Proportional Representation.

Oct 10:  Spiritual Leanings in Literature.  Facilitation: John Vanden Heuvel

This event invites anyone who cares to share – quotes, sentences, paragraphs and poems, from any style of literature, that have inspired you with its ‘spiritual life insights’. We’ll share, contemplate and discuss our offerings in a ‘light-hearted’ informal way. John Vanden Heuvel will guide us through the evening. All are most welcome, invite friends.

Oct 17: Conversing with the Muse: A Poetry and Music Circle.  Facilitation: Chris Bullock,  Hendrik de Pagter, Terence Stone.

Poets, songwriters, and lovers of poetry and/or song are all invited to be part of this event. Participants will sit in a circle, and read aloud/perform a poem or song (either their own or someone else’s), say a few words about why it is meaningful to them, and then invite brief comments from anyone who has been inspired by that poem/song. No-one is required to either perform or to comment. And having said that, we should add that creativity might inspire us sometimes to do quite other things, like write a poem together, express by movement, who knows what. Or a volunteer facilitator might invite participants to bring in works on a particular theme. No fixed rules—lots of inspiration (we hope).

Oct 24: Community Circle.  Facilitation: Sanjara Omoniyi.

Our community offers us a wide range for exploration, creativity, self-expression, discussions and much more. Coming together in a circle we can deepen our connection to each other, have fun, foster activities, bring in new ideas or discuss things that have come up and need to be addressed.

If you feel connected to our Community of Conscious Living, we invite you to come and bring your energy, ideas and love to this circle.

Oct 31: Hallowe’en party.  Facilitation: Jean Gregson, Pat Miller, and the COT women’s group. Details:TBA*

IE Co-Coordinators: Chris Bullock (chrisbullock@shaw.ca), John Vanden Heuvel (sunvann@yahoo.ca), Peggy Muncaster (muncasterpeggy@gmail.com),  Troi Leonard (troileonard5@gmail.com).