The Inspirational Exploration program will take a break during December and on New Year’s Day. The program will resume on January 8 and run till the end of May. Details will appear in the January Newsletter and Lighthouse.
On January 29, 2020, we will have a pop-up event which we’re calling “Creative Awakening.” CA will combine performances in talent show style, with some tables on which visual artists, writers etc. can put their products for view, and possibly sale. This will be a “pop up” event in the sense that we won’t have the room till after 7, so will set up chairs and tables in 15 minutes and proceed from there. “Keep it simple” is the motto. But, though no elaborate planning is required, it would be helpful if people interested in performing or displaying or both would contact to let Chris know of their interest. Thanks!
If October is the month where the issue of balance comes to the forefront, the clustering of festivals and celebrations honoring the dead that occur at the end of October and the beginning of November, indicate that this month is shifting into a concern with a good relationship with ancestors, the dead, and the darkness symbolized by early evenings and a shortened day. Hallowe’en, Samhain, All Souls Day, All Saints Day, the Day of the Dead, all carry this message that celebration of the dark is still a celebration. All aboriginal peoples honor their ancestors and carry their wisdom forward, just as we remember the fallen during Remembrance Day, and seek to learn to learn the lessons of war. Plants need the dark to germinate; people need a time of reflection and going within to balance the busyness of the summer months. But November can be busy too; the Day of the Dead, in particular, is a colorful and joyful festival, reflecting the fact that relating to the dark is one way in which people can build community. As a further extension, when we reach out to those beings (human and otherwise) thrown into darkness by an uncaring social order, we are carrying into the world the “light inside the dark” spoken of by the Zen teacher, John Tarrant
–Chris Bullock
Wednesday sessions begin at 7.15 and end at 8.30, unless otherwise indicated. They are held at the Church.
November 6—Sitting with the Dark— Facilitator: Kathleen Heilman
Meditation is about turning 180 degrees and directly experiencing Self, yourSelf without any concepts about what that IS. I invite you to join me in the effortless practice of just Sitting. In doing so, you may become more familiar with WHO AM I and WHAT AM I and how that connects to ALL that is. With a little right practice and right understanding, you will soon realize your TRUE NATURE is something that is eternal and infinite. The teaching will always point you back to one thing only…WHAT IS IT THAT IS SITTING IN THE CHAIR. (Co-ordinator: Pat Miller)
November 13—Poetry and Song Circle: Relating to the Dark. Facilitators: Chris Bullock, Hendrik de Pagter
Poetry and song is not always about light. In fact, in the literary and performance arts, an inspiring message often arises from relating to life’s or the seasons’ darker stretches. Bring a poem or song, yours or someone else’s, experience some dialogue with your audience, and, when relevant, let’s explore “the light inside the dark.” (Coordinator: Chris Bullock)
November 20—Poetic Reflection Workshop on the Dynamics of Change. Facilitator: Junie Swadron
This workshop considers poems about memories and explores how writing is instrumental in integrating the process of change
We can all read the poetry of Rumi or Hafiz, David Whyte and Mary Oliver and have our hearts lifted to the heavens by the simple weaving of their words. But what if the harshest circumstances of your life were also considered poetry? Poetry in Motion. Events, when funnelled through the Heart of Awareness became the alchemy of Grace leading you to transformation, leaving you triumphant, a Phoenix rising up from its ashes. Poetry in Motion. Perhaps by now you have come to expect The Trickster lurking around every corner. God’s secret design to mould us humans into a poem of all possibilities. Divinity showing off its finest attire. Forcing us to traverse and transcend as we forge through parched deserts and darkened forests, swamps and jungles until we emerge upon sparkling waters and coral colour beaches leading to abundant meadows of dancing wildflowers kissed by sunbeams and rainbows.Yes, we are God’s Ever-Expanding Creations of Poetry. Tentative. Unsuspecting. Naïve perhaps, yet all the same, Blindingly beautiful – each of us – all of us – Perfect Poetry in Motion.
Bring your pens and the poetry that dwells hidden within your stories and watch them emerge upon the page as you are guided by Junie Swadron, a writing coach for 25 years.
BIO: Junie Swadron is a psychotherapist and professional writing coach. She is the author of four books, a playwright, international speaker and workshop facilitator who has spent the last twenty-five years guiding thousands of students in writing and sharing their life stories. Junie sees the therapeutic process and the creative process as one. “It is about accessing a special place within us where serenity, love, courage and truth reside. It is from this place that we begin to know our true spirit. It is from this place we begin to heal.”
Junie Swadron is known for helping people honour the journeys they’ve walked, the unique paths that have led them to who they are today. And even though you may have never met, she is sincere when she asks you, “What is Your Story? Her latest book, an Amazon Number 1 Best Seller in 3 Categories, is Your Life Matters! Learn to Write Your Memoir in 8 Easy Steps. Although you can purchase it on Amazon, Junie is offering you a free down load. Find further details of Junie’s work, this download, and her Sunday afternoon Sacred Writing Circles at or (Coordinator: Pat Miller)
November 27—From Darkness, Decay and Discontent to Creation and Connection. Facilitated by Chad Thiessen and Frances Litman.
The eternal cycle of life has been largely ignored for over a century, now the planet teeters on the brink of environmental, economic and social collapse. By simply “closing the loop” on natural cycles, we can reap massive benefits in nearly all aspects of our life.
Chad Thiessen of Futures Forward, supported by his 10 year old son Austin, has a plan to empower natural cycles to create a quality of life most of us only dream about. This vision can be duplicated around the globe to the benefit of not only those who share that dream and join him, but all those around them. The concept revolves around the creation of an environmentally, economically and socially sustainable community just outside of Nanaimo, BC. Join Chad, Austin and co-facilitator Frances Litman to explore how you can apply the core ideas of that community in your own life. (Coordinator: Frances Litman).
Everyone Welcome to drop in.
October is the month where the issue of balance comes to the forefront. It is the epitome of fall–on the cusp of the movement from summer to winter– and contains elements of both these seasons. Most of October is governed by the astrological sign of Libra, represented by the scales. Libras tend to be fair-minded and concerned with justice, but they are an air sign, and the Libra tendency to thought and abstraction needs grounding in earth to be healthy. This is a reminder to all of us that balance isn’t a given, but a dynamic matter, requiring spiritual work and clear perception.
Wednesday sessions begin at 7.15 and end at 8.30, unless otherwise indicated. They are held at the Church.
October 2—Balance and the Quality of Life—facilitator: Blair Little
Blair Little will present a talk on the philosophical grounding of the Society for Enhancement of Quality of Life (SEQL), and lead us in a meditation set to beautiful music. The meditation technique is designed to, over time, increase awareness, sensitivity and knowledge of the qualities and functions of the energies which impact humanity so that in service of humanity we can live more deliberately and effectively. (Coordinator: Peggy Muncaster).
BLAIR LITTLE is a founder of SEQL and has been teaching courses on esoteric topics for 21 years.
October 9—Poetry and Song Circle: Seeking Balance.—Facilitators: Chris Bullock, Sharon Ford, Hendrik de Pagter
As our theme statement for the month reminds us, balance isn’t a given. And this is true especially for art, which often is created from the effort to reconcile conflicting elements in one’s psyche, one’s experience, or the world. Bring a poem or song, yours or someone else’s, experience some dialogue with your audience, and, when relevant, let’s explore this issue of conflict and balance further. (Coordinator: Chris Bullock)
October 16—Creating Balance –Facilitator: Cedona Holly.
Spiritual Counsellor, Ordained Minister and Meditation Facilitator
From Cedona:
The following guided summary of our gatherings this Wed. evening and Sun. is perhaps more important than a physical description of what we will be doing. Our format will be fluid depending on the moment. Both events will be highly experiential, as I feel speaking about Balance right now is not as important as actually achieving it. Sunday’s presentation will follow naturally after our Wed. event. If people can do both events, it may be very helpful – to deepen maximally into our natural state of inner peace, balance and harmony.
“Do not underestimate the power of your gatherings this coming week. Each moment you spend in perfect Balance, in Equilibrium, is of great Service to ALL on Planet Earth – all of Nature, Humanity and all of Creation in fact. So even though ego has a way of diminishing your spiritual Essence, these Gatherings uplift all who come to recognize and re-align with the depth and breadth of the Totality of Beingness of each One and all together. For the force-field of Love you all create in the name of Spirit, in the name of Love, in the name of a higher Peace has great influence on all of creation, as unlikely as that may seem to the smallness of the lower mind.
So we say, do come and put your energy into creating this FIELD of perfect Balance, Harmony and Love, the Higher Consciousness contained in each person present. Be the courage of your deepest Heart in showing up to discover the perfect Balance already intact inside each one of you, just waiting to be discovered, or for some of you, remembered. Let Cedona and her Highest helpers take you by the hand and hold open the gates to enter into a most beautiful state of consciousness. You will come away feeling restored, rebalanced and perhaps even reborn. We salute you All and pray for humanity’s return to reverence. Much Love and Many Blessings – Cedona’s Higher Self.”
October 23—Planting Trees Properly –Facilitator/Coordinator: Frances Litman, with special guests.
With fall being the ideal time to plant trees, Ryan Senechal, Municipal Arborist/Urban Forester/Industry Subject Matter Expert, will share advice on how to choose the right trees to plant, where to plant and how to ensure long term success for trees to survive and thrive.
Originally educated in Urban Arboriculture at Humber College in Toronto, Ryan has more recently been active as an instructor of industrial Arboriculture subjects for professionals and through community education in addition to his duties in Municipal Urban Forestry. His work in urban tree care, instruction, public speaking and urban forestry has taken him across Canada, England, and throughout the Pacific northwest. Bring your questions and learn how by planting trees you can contribute to global climate action.
Presented by Community Trees Matter Network in partnership with Creatively United.
This past Wednesday was well attended and very informative. Lots of new people came, some younger too. Left a donation for the church.
October 30– Death Conversation Café—Presenter and Facilitator: Don Morris.
On October 30, we are close to Hallowe’en. Though Hallowe’en has become focused on costumes and treats, peoples from the ancient Celts to the contemporary Mexicans view this time of year as the time when the membrane between the living and the dead is at its thinnest. It’s a very appropriate time of year to explore the significance to us of death and the ceremonies to honour the dead.
Don Morris will use the format of small groups reporting to the group as a whole to explore significant death-related topics, using guidelines which allow people to feel safe, to open up and express themselves without other’s people advice or judgment.
DON MORRIS has been committed to helping bring healing to death and dying issues throughout his lifetime. In his Home Funeral Practicum, nationally performed workshops, he educates and trains ‘grassroot deathcarers’ to reclaim family and community deathcare for its many healing benefits.
Sessions begin at 7.15 and end around 8.30 unless otherwise noted. This time we are exploring linking sessions with a common broad theme.
As always, we welcome ideas for sessions; to offer them, please contact one of the coordinators at the addresses indicated below.
September 4: Ho’oponopono and Transitioning
Rev. Wayne Kealohi will use a mixture of presentation, music and meditation to explore what his Hawaiian spiritual tradition can teach us about moving through life’s challenges and transitions. (Coordinator: Peggy Muncaster)
September 11: Poems and Songs about Life’s Transitions
Bring poetry and/or songs relevant to this theme—your own or someone else’s—to the poetry and song circle, with its unique format of reader-audience dialogue. (Coordinators: Chris Bullock, Hendrik de Pagter, Sharon Ford)
September 18: Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique: Transition to a Deeper Knowing.
This session on the QHH Technique is presented by Jennifer Sagar. Jennifer introduces the session as follows: “My name is Jennifer Sagar and I recently completed my qualifications as a level 1 Intern in Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique. I am thrilled to be asked to speak on this relatively unknown technique that was originated by Dolores Cannon at least 45 years ago. This Technique goes much deeper than traditional hypnosis and a step further than past life regression therapy. We go into a couple of past lives but then continue on to the higher mind (self) where answers to your most pressing questions can be accessed in a deeply relaxed state that bypasses the ego mind. It’s very simple and yet revealing, even transformative. I will speak about my own passion for QQHT and we will, with your permission, enter into a short regression in a group so you have a personal experience with this technique. There are so many ways we get messages from our higher knowing and this is just one of them, and for me it’s one of the easiest ways. The veil is thinning and we are all being called to a deeper knowing of our true essence. So join me at this session and we’ll talk more about this exciting modality. “ (Coordinator: Pat Miller)
September 25: Garry Oak Trees and Their Habitat: How We Can Help Endangered Ecosystems Transition to Recovery
Patricia Johnston, retired Native Plant Gardening Consultant and Community Trees Matter Network member, will speak on Garry oak trees and the native plants that are part of the ecosystems. By learning about Garry oak ecosystems and their plants, as well as how to grow them in our gardens, we contribute to the recovery of fragmented ecosystems. (Coordinator: Frances Litman).
The coordinators of Inspirational Explorations invite contributions from as wide a range of presenters as possible. Send proposals or ideas to any one of the coordinators: Arts area and general: Chris Bullock ( ); spiritual practices: Peggy Muncaster (; new/rediscovered frontiers: Pat Miller (; environment and interconnections: Frances Litman ( ).
The coordinators of Inspirational Explorations invite contributions from as wide a range of presenters as possible. Send proposals or ideas to any one of the coordinators: Arts area and general: Chris Bullock ( ) and John Vanden Heuvel ( ); spiritual practices: Peggy Muncaster (; new/rediscovered frontiers: ( ); environment and interconnections: Frances Litman ( ).
All sessions begin at 7.15, unless otherwise indicated.
May 1 —INVITATION TO MEDITATION, facilitated by Kathleen Heilman.
Meditation is about turning 180 degrees and directly experiencing Self, yourSelf without any concepts about what that IS. I invite you to join me in the effortless practice of just Sitting. In doing so you may become more familiar with WHO AM I and WHAT AM I and how that connects to ALL that is. With a little right practice and right understanding you will soon realize your TRUE NATURE is something that is eternal and infinite. The teaching will always point you back to one thing only…WHAT IS IT THAT IS SITTING IN THE CHAIR.
May 8—“YOUR STORY” coordinated and facilitated by John Vanden Heuvel.
We all have had important personal ‘stories’ that have impacted and/or enriched our lives. Do come and share ‘Your Story’ within a time frame of 5-10 minutes within a safe confidential circle. Your story could be an enrichment to others !
May 15—PRAYER, HEALING AND PERSONAL GUIDANCE, presented by Sherry Morgan
Sherry Morgan’s specialty is prayer. In this session she will help people explore connecting with spirit and receiving their own personal guidance, which is our birthright. She will also facilitate a particular meditation that can help us heal from self-limiting beliefs as we circle up in her ‘Love Is Round’ event.”
BIO. In 1997, after completing a vision quest led by an Ojibwa medicine woman, SHERRY MORGAN began to receive messages to teach people about prayer. In 1998 she received instructions for teaching a workshop on prayer transmitted to her from a Huichol elder shaman in Mexico. Sherry has taught in 5 countries since 2000. Her specialties include helping people to deepen their experience of spiritual connection and to receive direct personal guidance.
May 22 TREES MATTER, coordinated and presented by Frances Litman.
Discover what is being done to protect our urban forests and how even the smallest action can create big results.
May 29 HINDU MYTHOLOGY, presented by Vinod Bhardwaj, facilitated by Harinder Dhillon.
Traditionally, all aspects of knowledge and results of thoughtful meditation were handed down in the form of stories, which could be interpreted on several planes, from the child-like to the profound. Vinod will share some of these stories, interspersed with participatory chanting, chanting that removes the cobwebs from our minds and elevates the mood away from the mundane.
BIO : Vinod is a retired civil engineer, whose love of music and community participation got him inducted into the Arts & Culture Hall of Fame in Edmonton, where he lived for around four decades. He retired to Victoria a few years ago, and has been connecting with the Island community through various Yoga and Bhakti groups.
The coordinators of Inspirational Explorations invite contributions from as wide a range of presenters as possible. Send proposals or ideas to any one of the coordinators: Arts area and general: Chris Bullock ( ) and John Vanden Heuvel ( ); spiritual practices: Peggy Muncaster (; new/rediscovered frontiers: ( ); environment and interconnections: Frances Litman ( ).
All sessions begin at 7.15, unless otherwise indicated.
April 3: “Experiencing a Shamanic Journey,” facilitated by Kirsty Inglis.
Kirsty will guide you through a shamanic journey to meet a helper and cultivate access to your internal guidance. Whether you are interested in working on a particular issue, or simply to expand your spiritual repertoire, you will be held in an energetically nourishing space to explore your inner landscape.
Bio: Kirsty Inglis is a shamanic practitioner based in Victoria, BC. She works with clients to help them remember who they truly are and what they want from life. Her healing practice focuses on supporting clients to reconnect with their bodies, to tap into their innate wisdom and in using their intuition to influence their life’s direction and choices. Kirsty’s practice is guided by her teachers in the Shipibo and Lasqueridas Shipibo traditions. The philosophy underpinning Kirsty’s work is the cultivation of ayni (pronounced eye-knee) or “right relationship” so that we can each walk in right relationship – with ourselves, our friends and family, the environment and our wider community – as a means of living a fulfilled life. For more information on Kirsty’s work see
April 10. “Writing and Earth”: a poetry, song and readings circle facilitated by Chris Bullock and Hendrik de Pagter. (Sharon Ford is absent this month for medical reasons.) Earth Day is this month. Bring and read writings about trees, flowers, places, fear for earth’s future, hopes for earth’s future, natural metaphors for human relationships, reflections about how to live in relationship with earth and its beings, and so on. Let your readings start a dialogue with everyone in the circle.
April 17 – Trees Can Do That? Featuring international speaker, author, urban forest and greening expert, Professor Cecil Konijnendijk 7:15-9 pm at the Cook Street Activity Center, 380 Cook St. Sliding scale: $10-20 admission. [Frances Litman originally planned this event to be at COT, but the Trees Matter planning group wanted to be assured of a bigger venue as they are inviting all mayors, councillors, planners, community leaders, etc.]
April 22 (Earth Day/Easter Monday) – Creating Resilient Green Built Neighbourhoods – A special Earth Day event facilitated by Frances Litman with a variety of community action leaders, featuring Jack Anderson, one of western Canada’s leading green architects, urban planners and community design visionaries. 7-9 pm at COT.
April 24 Kathleen Heilman leads a meditation session. This event is coordinated by Pat Miller, Sean/Wool McLaughlin and Herb Third. To introduce her approach to meditation, Kathleen writes:
“Meditation is about turning 180 degrees and directly experiencing Self, yourSelf without any concepts about what that IS. I invite you to join me in the effortless practice of just Sitting. In doing so you may become more familiar with WHO AM I and WHAT AM I and how that connects to ALL that is. With a little right practice and right understanding you will soon realize your TRUE NATURE is something that is eternal and infinite. The teaching will always point you back to one thing only…WHAT IS IT THAT IS SITTING IN THE CHAIR. “
The coordinators of Inspirational Explorations invite contributions from as wide a range of presenters as possible. Send proposals or ideas to any one of the coordinators: Arts area and general: Chris Bullock ( ) and John Vanden Heuvel ( ); spiritual practices: Peggy Muncaster (; new/rediscovered frontiers: ( ); environment and interconnections: Frances Litman ( ).
All sessions begin at 7.15, unless otherwise indicated
March 6: Peggy Muncaster presents the continuing series, “Manifesting the Divine.”
March 13: Sean (“Wool”) McLaughlin leads an exploration of the topic “Distraction versus Intention.” Facilitator: Chris Bullock. There will be a brief future program discussion immediately after this session.
March 20: Edward Butterworth presents “Paradigm Shift,” an exploration of social, cultural and environmental change. Facilitator: Marvelous Trudeau.
March 27: The Gift of Change — We all have the opportunity to reinvent our lives every day … but when major change is thrust upon us, it is no longer a choice, but a necessity.
This seamless blend of story and images portrays how inspirational speaker and intuitive coach, Sherrill Miller, called on her creative skills to reinvent a life that continues to weave the past and the present into a new tapestry — a life full of texture, grace and enchantment.
Sherrill travelled the globe with her husband, renowned photographer Courtney Milne, co-creating a series of books on sacred landscapes from all seven continents. Co-facilitated by Frances Litman
The coordinators of Inspirational Explorations invite contributions from as wide a range of presenters as possible. Send proposals or ideas to any one of the coordinators: Arts area and general: Chris Bullock ( ) and John Vanden Heuvel ( ); spiritual practices: Peggy Muncaster (; new/rediscovered frontiers: Marvelous Trudeau ( ); environment and interconnections: Frances Litman ( ).
INSPIRATIONAL EXPLORATIONS is the series of Wednesday evenings devoted to exploring a wide range of aspects of spirituality, presented by as wide a range of people as possible.
February 6: MANIFESTING THE DIVINE, “Moving to a Higher Octave of Light” is a section of the recorded series “Becoming a Master of Manifesting” by Sanaya Roman. Peggy Muncaster will facilitate listening to and discussing this section. We begin at 7:15.
February 13. THE UPS AND DOWNS OF LOVE will be the focus of the poetry, song and spiritual readings circle facilitated by Chris Bullock, Sharon Ford, Hendrik de Pagter, and John Vanden Heuvel. Love gained, love lost, love never found; love of nature, love of another, love of oneself, love of the divine, love of the mundane; bring a poem, song or reading on these or any other aspects of love to this pre-Valentine’s Day event.
February 20: AWARENESS OF STILLNESS. Marvelous Trudeau will lead an exploration inspired by the work of Eckhart Tolle.
February 27:TREES MATTER. Professional photographer Frances Litman shares her imagery in an inspiring slideshow presentation with a variety of guest speakers on the topic of our community trees.
Inspirational Explorations Wednesdays replaces Oneness Wednesdays with a more diverse program that seeks contributions from all attendees of the Church of Truth, whether members, or (we hope) prospective members. You are invited to bring a proposal for an IE Wednesday to the January 16 meeting, where we intend, together, to plan IE evenings for February and March. If you are nervous about facilitating a whole evening, you can also propose a panel, a joint session etc. Further information from the IE co-coordinators: Chris Bullock ( ); John Vanden Heuvel ( ), Peggy Muncaster ( )
–January 2nd—Manifesting the Inner Divine— facilitated by Peggy Muncaster
–January 9th—DEVELOPING AN EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION PROCESS, facilitated by Steve Kinsella, with input from Chris Bullock.
–January 16th –PROGRAM MEETING CIRCLE (see invitation above), facilitated by Sanjara Omoniji.
–January 23rd –POETRY AND SONG CIRCLE—facilitated by Chris Bullock, Sharon Ford, Hendrik de Pagter
–January 30th— VULNERABILITY in the COMMUNICATION PROCESS, facilitated by Edward Butterworth