Sunday Services
We invite you to attend our weekly community led Sunday services from 11 a.m. to noon.
The Church of Truth – Community of Conscious Living accepts all religious and spiritual beliefs and seeks to learn from all spiritual traditions.
Sunday services are held in person as well as virtually via Zoom.
One of the things that makes the Church of Truth – Community of Conscious Living unique is that Sunday Services are community led and moderated by various members of our community. Everyone is welcome to share. At times, there may be a guest speaker(s), a panel discussion or community sharing.
The service is broadcast from the sanctuary and chairs are configured in a variety of ways for in-person services to suit the preference of the guest speaker. Refreshments and conversation continues in the sanctuary after in-person services.
Clik Here for service details.
Click here to join or use the login information below:
Zoom ID #: 765-216-352
Password: 030753
You can also join by calling 778-907-2071 and then entering the Zoom ID # and Password above.